428 municipality in Norway

Norway has a two tier-system of local government: the municipalities and the county authorities. There are 428 municipalities and 19 county authorities. The capital, Oslo, is formally a municipality, but in addition has the same tasks as the county authorities. The municipalities and the county authorities have the same administrative status, whereas central government has the overriding authority and supervision of municipal and county municipal administration. The main representative of central government supervising local authorities is the County Governor.

The largest municipality is Oslo with approximately 620 000 inhabitants and the smallest is Utsira with 209 inhabitants. Despite such differences, all municipalities are given most of the same rights and the same responsibilities. A municipality with a population under 5 000 is to have at least 11 members in its council – with a population from 5 000 to 10 000 at least 19 representatives are required. With a population from 10 000 to 50 000 at least 27 representatives are required. With a population from 50 000 to 100 000 at least 35 representatives are required. With a population above 100 000 at least 43 representatives are required.

The municipal council is the municipality’s supreme body, and the county council is the county’s supreme body. Both the municipal and the county council elects the executive committee consisting of at least five members, elected amongst the members of the council, and based on the principle of proportional political representation in the committee. The executive committee considers proposal for a four-year economic plan, fiscal budget and taxes. Other duties of the executive committee are decided by the municipal council. The municipal council elects its chairman and county council elects its county council chairman. The municipal council can create committees to deal with municipal matters, and can also grant decision-making powers to those committees.

Hereunder a list of Municipalities and their cities. We included a link where more information can be found.

OSLO / Oslo


Asker, Aurskog-Hoeland, Baerum, Eidsvoll, Enebakk, Fet, Frogn, Gjerdrum, Hurdal, Lørenskog, Nannestad, Nes, Nesodden, Nittedal, Oppegaard, Raelingen, Skedsmo, Ski, Soerum, Ullensaker, Vestby, AAs.


Drammen, Flesberg, Flaa, Gol, Hemsedal, Hol, Hole, Hurum, Kongsberg, Kroedsherad, Lier, Modum, Nedre Eiker, Nes, Nore and Uvdal, Ringerike, Rollag, Roeyken, Sigdal, AAl, OEvre Eiker.


Andebu, Hof, Holmestrand, Horten, Lardal, Larvik, Noetteroey, Re, Sande, Sandefjord, Stokke, Svelvik, Tjoeme, Toensberg.


Aremark, Askim, Eidsberg, Fredrikstad, Halden, Hoboel, Hvaler, Marker, Moss, Rakkestad, Rygge, Raade, Roemskog, Sarpsborg, Skiptvet, Spydeberg, Troegstad.


Alvdal, Eidskog, Elverum, Engerdal, Folldal, Grue, Hamar, Kongsvinger, Loeten, Nord-Odal, Os, Rendalen, Ringsaker, Stange, Stor-Elvdal, Soer-Odal, Tolga, Trysil, Tynset, Vaaler, AAmot, AAsnes.


Dovre, Etnedal, Gausdal, Gjoevik, Gran, Jevnaker, Lesja, Lillehammer, Lom, Lunner, Nord-Aurdal, Soer-Aurdal, Nord-Fron, Soer-Fron, Nordre Land, Soendre Land, Ringebu, Sel, Skjaak, Vang, OEystre Slidre, Vestre Slidre, OEstre Toten, Vestre Toten, Vaagaa, OEyer.


Arendal, Birkenes, Bygland, Bykle, Evje and Hornnes, Froland, Gjerstad, Grimstad, Iveland, Lillesand, Risoer, Tvedestrand, Valle, Vegaarshei, AAmli.


Audnedal, Farsund, Flekkefjord, Haegebostad, Kristiansand, Kvinesdal, Lindesnes, Lyngdal, Mandal, Marnardal, Sirdal, Songdalen, Soegne, Vennesla, AAseral.


Bamble, Boe, Drangedal, Fyresdal, Hjartdal, Krageroe, Kviteseid, Nissedal, Nome, Notodden, Porsgrunn, Sauherad, Seljord, Siljan, Skien, Tinn, Tokke, Vinje.


Askoey, Austevoll, Austrheim, Bergen, Boemlo, Eidfjord, Etne, Fedje, Fitjar, Fjell, Fusa, Granvin, Jondal, Kvam, Kvinnherad, Lindaas, Masfjorden, Meland, Modalen, Odda, Os, Osteroey, Radoey, Samnanger, Stord, Sund, Sveio, Tysnes, Ullensvang, Ulvik, Vaksdal, Voss, OEygarden.


Bjerkreim, Bokn, Egersund, Finnoey, Forsand, Gjesdal, Haugesund, Hjelmeland, Haa, Karmoey, Klepp, Kvitsoey, Lund, Randaberg, Rennesoey, Sandnes, Sauda, Sokndal, Sola, Stavanger, Strand, Suldal, Time, Tysvaer, Utsira, Vindafjord.


Aukra, Aure, Averoey, Eide, Fræna, Giske, Gjemnes, Halsa, Haram, Hareid, Heroey, Kristiansund, Midsund, Molde, Nesset, Norddal, Rauma, Rindal, Sande, Sandoey, Skodje, Smoela, Stordal, Stranda, Sula, Sunndal, Surnadal, Sykkylven, Tingvoll, Ulstein, Vanylven, Vestnes, Volda, AAlesund, OErskog, OErsta.


Askvoll, Aurland, Balestrand, Bremanger, Eid, Fjaler, Flora, Foerde, Gaular, Gloppen, Gulen, Hornindal, Hyllestad, Hoeyanger, Joelster, Leikanger, Luster, Laerdal, Naustdal, Selje, Sogndal, Solund, Stryn, Vik, Vaagsoey, AArdal.


Flatanger, Fosnes, Frosta, Grong, Hoeylandet, Inderoey, Leka, Leksvik, Levanger, Lierne, Meraaker, Mosvik, Namdalseid, Namsos, Namsskogan, Naeroey, Overhalla, Roeyrvik, Snaasa, Steinkjer, Stjoerdal, Verdal, Verran, Vikna.


Agdenes, Bjugn, Froeya, Hemne, Hitra, Holtaalen, Klaebu, Malvik, Meldal, Melhus, Midtre Gauldal, Oppdal, Orkdal, Osen, Rennebu, Rissa, Roan, Roeros, Selbu, Skaun, Snillfjord, Trondheim, Tydal, AAfjord, OErland.


Alstahaug, Andoey, Ballangen, Beiarn, Bindal, Bodoe, Broennoey, Boe, Doenna, Evenes, Fauske, Flakstad, Gildeskaal, Grane, Hadsel, Hamaroey, Hattfjelldal, Hemnes, Heroey, Leirfjord, Luroey, Loedingen, Meloey, Moskenes, Narvik, Nesna, Rana, Roedoey, Roest, Saltdal, Sortland, Steigen, Soemna, Soerfold, Tjeldsund, Traena, Tysfjord, Vefsn, Vega, Vestvaagoey, Vevelstad, Vaagan, Vaeroey, OEksnes.


Balsfjord, Bardu, Berg, Bjarkoey, Dyroey, Gratangen, Harstad, Ibestad, Karlsoey, Kvaefjord, Kvaenangen, Kaafjord, Lavangen, Lenvik, Lyngen, Maalselv, Nordreisa, Salangen, Skjervoey, Skaanland, Storfjord, Soerreisa, Torsken, Tranoey, Tromsoe.


Alta, Berlevaag, Baatsfjord, Gamvik, Hammerfest, Hasvik, Karasjok, Kautokeino, Kvalsund, Lebesby, Loppa, Maasoey, Nesseby, Nordkapp, Porsanger, Soer-Varanger, Tana, Vadsoe, Vardoe.