Lebesby municipality Norway

Lebesby municipality lies by Laksefjorden in Central Finnmark. Surface area is 3.458,3 km2 with approximately 1.400 inhabitants. Lebesby is also the name of a village in the municipality. The municipality administrative centre is Kjøllefjord. Kjøllefjord is also centre for commerce and a traditional fishing port.

The municipality consists of the western half of the Nordkinn Peninsula, along with areas around the Laksefjord. Most people live in Kjøllefjord. This municipality is dominated by ethnic Norwegians, whereas the areas around the Laksefjord are predominantly Sami.

Fishing is the mainstay of the population. The Norway King Crab is located at Bugøynes and Trollbukt, they are now fishing and farming the red king crab, which can weigh up to 10 kilograms. Grieg Seafood has branches in Alta, Øksfjord, Hammerfest, the North Cape and Kjøllefjord.


Kjøllefjord is the largest village in the northwestern part of Nordkinn Peninsula, located on the shore of a small fjord of the same name, which empties into Laksefjord. Many of Laksefjord´s population have roots in the coastal Saami culture. The Coastal Steamer (Hurtigruten) has daily departures at Kjøllefjord. Kjøllefjord Church is located in the village.

One of the largest fish processing and fishing companies in Kjøllefjord is a branch of Havfisk. Another large company is Statkraft. Statkraft constructed a wind farm near the Gartefjellet mountain, with a maximum capacity of 40 megawatts (54,000 hp). The 17 wind turbines have an annual power output of 155 gigawatt-hours (560 TJ) and provide for the electrical needs of about 6,000 households.


Finnkjerka which is said to be the most graceful sea cliff in Norway, formed like a church at the entrance to Kjøllefjord. According to legend, Finnkirka was an ancient sacrificial site for fishermen, seafarers and the Sami. Those sailing along the coast feared the stretch of sea past Nordkyn. The two rock formations are mentioned in old sources as a Sami sacrificial site and sacred sea cliff. Finnkirka is listed by The Directorate for Cultural Heritage in Norway (Riksantikvaren) as a Sami cultural monument. A marked trail offering spectacular viewing points leads out over the plateau above Finnkirka, but if you want to experience the cliffs at close range you need to go by boat. More information


Adamsfossen and Adamsfjord Nature Reserve a 37 metres high waterfall between Kunes and Ifjord. Nesting area for marsh birds. Terraced-formed landscape that reveals land upheaval activity since the last Ice Age.


A vantage point with a view over Laksefjord.


Abandoned islet in the Laksefjord. Previously a fishing port and trading place. There is a chapel and an old churchyard here plus ruins from Second World War fortifications.


Kalak heights and Kalakveien, the road between Lebesby and Kalak. Marvellous view over a dramatic rugged landscape.


The landscape between Bekkarfjord and Hopseidet reminds one of the moon´s surface. Summer road that is also used as a Winter road. Norway´s most rugged and infamous stretch of road in Winter.


Offerfjellet. Laksefjordvidda plateau. Ancient Saami sacrificial site. Famous landmark.


We have the Midnight Sun in this region from 20th May – 20th July. During this period, the sun stays above the horizon, and it is light 24 hours a day. The sky must be clear and there must be unobstructed visibility northwards in order to see the Midnight Sun. A summer night on the fjord or in the mountains is an experience not to be missed, you can go fishing in the fjord, which contains splendid variation of fish, or you can take a walk in the wilderness surrounding.


Aurora Borealis is the Latin name for the Northern Lights – solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole. The Northern Lights are only visible when the sky is dark and clear, from August to April, and they are most intense from 10 pm to midnight. The region on the 700 northern latitude is a fantastic place for experiencing the beautiful and intense play of colours given off by the Northern Lights.


The dark time, or the long, dark Polar Night, lasts from 30th November – 12th January – there is only a twilight-dusk type of light (the blue light) for a few hours during the middle of the day. This does not mean that it becomes totally dark, however. The aurora borealis trails its multicoloured banner across the sky and the moon lights the scene just like the nightlight of Our Lord. The experience of the winter with the uniqueness of the light, the northern lights and snow is fantastic. Especially beautiful is the blue light southwards, just before it becomes dark.


Permanent colonies on Laksefjord skerries. May be seen from the road in Bekkarfjord.

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