Top destinations in Norway

The Norwegian Fjords was rated as the best destination in the world by National Geographic Traveler. Norway is characterised by wilderness and beauty and can offer exciting experiences. From Waterfalls and Fishing in Lofoten to the ultimate challenge, base jumping from the Trollveggen.

  • NIDAROSDOMEN Trondheim Nidarosdomen S. Trøndelag
  • THE ARCTIC CATHEDRAL Tromsdalen Arctic Cathedral Troms
  • HENNINGSVÆR Vågan Henningsvær Nordland
  • SKIBLADNER Lake Mjøsa Lake Mjøsa Oppl/Hed/Aker
  • ATLANTIC OCEAN ROAD Eide Atlanterhavsvegen Møre & Romsdal
  • LINDESNES LIGHTHOUSE Lindesnes Lindesnes Light V. Agder
  • BRIKSDALS GLACIER Stryn Briksdalsbreen Sogn & Fjordane
  • LYNGØR ISLAND Tvedestrand Lyngør A. Agder
  • FINNCHURCH Lebesby Kjøllefjord Finnmark

More information on Norway