Bodø, Norway

Bodø is the second largest town in Northern Norway, with excellent communications and fully modern facilities. The town is surrounded by beautiful nature, including the Børvasstindene mountains to the south, and Landegode island and the Lofoten Islands to the north. The Skjerstadfjorden in the eastern part of Bodø passes through the Saltstraumen into the Saltfjorden. The Saltfjorden then flows west into the Vestfjorden. There are also several islands and island groups in Bodø. Straumøya and Knaplundøya are in the Saltfjorden. Several bridges connect these islands to the mainland: Åselistraumen Bridge, Indre Sunnan Bridge, and Saltstraumen Bridge. Several lighthouses are also located out in the Vestfjorden: Bjørnøy Lighthouse, Grytøy Lighthouse, Landegode Lighthouse, Nyholmen Lighthouse, and Tennholmen Lighthouse.

Bodø muncipality at the latitude 67’17’N, is the administrative centre of Nordland county. Bodø muncipality has approximately 49.000 inhabitants and covers a area of 1.385,0 km2. Other villages in Bodø include Misvær, Skjerstad, Saltstraumen, Løding, Løpsmarka, Kjerringøy, Sørvær, and Fenes. The town lies just north of the Arctic Circle where the midnight sun is visible from 2 June to 10 July. Due to atmospheric refraction, there is no true polar night in Bodø, but because of the mountains south of Bodø, the sun is not visible from the city from early December to early January.

The people of Bodø are known to be cheerful, pleasant, straight to the point, and very hospitable. We enjoy entertaining guests, and it is difficult for us to hide our pride when we take visitors to the new Saltstraumen Experience, to Kjerringøy Old Trading Post, to the Norwegian Aviation Museum or to the many other sights and attractions found in the Bodø area. It is quite natural for us to consider the Arctic Circle Centre, the Svartisen glacier, the Lofoten islands and the Salten region as part of what we have to offer. The Coastal Road runs through the municipality. Each year, more than 1,5 million people travel to and from Bodø by air, railway, bus, express boat or the Coastal Steamer. The Coastal Steamer (Hurtigruten) has daily departures from Bodø.


Bodø is known as the town of the sea eagle, and nowhere in the world is there a larger stock of this majestic bird. Daily these huge birds are observed soaring high above the town or perthed on rocks on the islands near Bodø. The Sea Eagle Society is an exclusive club that aims to protect the sea eagle and to inform the public about this proud bird. The society also supports various creative endeavours. Membership is available only to those who have actually been in Bodø and have seen the sea eagle in its natural environment. Membership in the Sea Eagle Society is available at Destinasjon Bodø and at the Norwegian Aviation Museum.


The Norwegian Aviation Museum offers fastinating exhibits on the history of Norwegian civil and military aviation, all under one roof. The introductory section traces the development from the first ambitions and dreams of Rying, man’s first attempts at flying, to the modern jets of today. Both the international and national development of aviation are covered. In the National Museum of Cvil Aviation we follow Norwegian aviation as it moves from its pioneering days of breakneck attempts, to its modern status as an important means of transport.

Light is shed on the history of aviation from several angles, especially from the point of view of public transport and technical advances. Topics such as aerodynamics, engines, navigation, airlines, air-sea rescue, and the Norwegian Aero Club are dealt with in separate sections. The Aviation Department Museum shows what happens behind the scenes before take-off and how planes carry passengers safely to their destination. The old control tower at the museum offers an impressive view of the airport and the air approaches. Included among the aircraft on show are the Ju52 with floats, the Single Otter, C5 Polar, Blanik, Piper Colt, and the famous espionage aircraft U2.

There are also several touch-screen programmes with further details on topics such as the Norwegian space programme or the history of the Widerøe airline. The Air Defence Museum puts the history of aviation into a military perspective. Since the earliest days when balloons were used, through the modern development of planes and finally super-sonic jets, aircraft have played a vital role in the Norwegian armed forces. The exhibition shows how Norway initially had two separate military airforces. It describes life in the Canadian airbase “Little Norway” where Norwegian pilots were stationed during World War II. Another exhibit deals with Norwegian military surveillance.

A number of military aircraft are exhibited here, including the Avro, Gloster Gladiator, Spitfire, Tiger Moth, Sabre and Catalina. Have you always dreamed of flying an F16 or a Harrier? We invite you to take the pilot’s seat in the flight simulator! Our excellent conference facilities are suitable for many kinds of meetings, with an extra dimension provided by the unusual setting. The museum has its own restaurant, souvenir shop, miniature cinema and control tower.


The bastion on the isle of Nyholmen was erected during the war of 1807 – 14 to protect the factory and settlement on Hundholmen, which later was to become the town of Bodø, against attacks by the English warships that were blockading the Norwegian coast. There was significant export of fish produds from the Hundholmen factory, and Hundholmen was important as a storehouse for grain on its way to Russia. Construction of Nyholms Skandse, as the bastion was called at the time, was planned and directed by engineer captain Friis and completed in 1810.

The bastion was armed with 4 twelve-pound and 8 eight-pound cannons. It had a garrison of as many as 150 men, mainly local conscripts. The officers, orderlies, and some of the privates came from regiments in Trondhjem, south of Bodø. The bastion was disarmed and handed over to Nordland county in July 1815, and was under civil administration until it was closed down in 1835. Nyholms Skandse was never used in battle. The British warships that harried the Norwegian coast stayed away from the bastion and storehouse on Hundholmen. The defence installation had served its purpose. During the last war the Germans set up artillery and bunkers within the bastion.

They used stone and soil from the bastion embankments. Portions of Nyholms Skandse were rebuilt for Bodø’s 180th anniversary, which took place on May 20,1996. The restoration will continue in stages and is a joint project between the municipality of Bodø, the armed forces, the Nordland Museum, voluntary organisations and private individuals. This will “strengthen” the historical defences which date from before the founding of Bodø, and contribute to Bodø’s visual appeal as a coastal town. As the old song goes “They built, dangerously exposed to the southwest…”


Visit when the tide is at its highest and marvel at the forces of nature. Every six hours, 400 mill m3 of water at speeds up to 20 knots rush through the 150 metres wide and 3 km long sound connecting the Saltenfjord and the Skjerstadfjord. The powerful whirlpools can be up to 10 metres in diameter and 4-5 metres deep. Saltstraumen is famous for its abundance of fish, including cod, saithe, wolffish and halibut. The world record for saithe taught with a fishing pole was set here, an impressive 22.7 kg! The catth is exhibited at The Saltstraumen Experience.

Saltstraumen offers a wide range of activities and exciting experiences. If you want to try your luck fishing you can either rent tackle for fishing from the shore, or you can fish from one of our boats. You can hire a boat on the spot, or join a group going out on one of the deep-sea fishing charter boats. The Saltstraumen Experiente has details and tide tables for Saltstraumen. This is also a great starting point for rambling and trekking in the beautiful mountains, such as Børvasstindene, or for wandering through areas with in arthaeologital remains. Traces of 10.000 year old human habitation have been found here.

At Saltstraumen there is a hotel with a restaurant and cafeteria, a campsite with spaces for tents and campers, as well as cabins, rorbu and flats. You can rent fishing tackle and small boats. There is an art gallery, a local museum, a handicrafts shop, cafe, ancient monuments, a hairdresser, a grocery, a petrol station, etc.

The Saltstraumen Experience is lotated at the foot of Saltstraumen bridge, 33 km from Bodø, strategically lotated by trunk road Rv 17. The centre overlooks the strongest maelstrom in the world, Saltstraumen. Raud den Rame once ruled this historic area, until he was defeated by Olav the Holy. Picnic and barbecue areas, paths and plantings naturally and harmoniously merge into a whole.

The centre is divided into two adjoining buildings, “Hvirvelen” and “Arken”. Exhibitions, models and a modern multimedia show describe life in and around the maelstrom and the surrounding history and culture. The multimedia show lasts 15 minutes, and uses laser, tableaux, music, smoke generators and moving air to treate an extiting scenario. The centre also houses a cafe, a souvenir shop and an information desk.


The island of Kjerringøy is about 40 km north of Bodø where narrow fjords encircle a mountainous peninsula. Author Knut Hamsun visited Kjerringøy in 1879 and found inspiration and encouragement for his writing. Later, several of his novels were dramatised and filmed here. “Rosa and Benoni” and “The Telegraphist” based on the novel “Dreamers”, and “Pan” which was filmed for the second time on Kjerringøy in 1994.

The sea eagle circles over the trading post and the spectacular natural scenery. Soothing white beaches and smooth rocks invite you to slow down and take it easy. Steep untouched mountainsides offer a challenge to the active visitor with a liking for rambling and rock climbing. Fjords, rivers and lakes full of fish are ideal for boating and canoeing. And everywhere there are vast forests and meadows where those who listen closely, as Hamsun did, can still hear Pan playing his flute…

Step ashore at Kjerringøy, enjoy the variety and contrasts of nature and find your very own holiday paradise! A new building, the Zahlfjøset barn, opens this summer. It will house workshops for craftsmen, a boatbuilder’s workshop, and a library. At Kjerringøy. there is a camp site, cafés, grocery and shops, petrol station etc.

Kjerringøy welcomes visitors to the world of Hamsun. The old buildings and furnishings at Kjerringøy Old Trading Post have been preserved as they stood on Hamsun’s first visit, more than a hundred years ago. Visitors are given a glimpse of Northern Norway´s cultural history and the lives of servants and masters at this old trading post in the north.

During the 19th century, Kjeningøy was one of the wealthiest trading posts in Nordland tounty. Fifteen of the old buildings are still intact, with virtually complete original furnishings. In 1997, “Nyfjøset”, a service facility that also houses exhibitions, lecture rooms, a cafe, kiosk and Tourist Information, opened. The exterior of Nyfjøset is an exact copy of the old barn that was torn down in 1892. Season: 23 May – 23 August.


Misvær village is located at the end of the Misværfjorden, in inner Salten. The village has 208 inhabitants and was the administrative centre of the former municipality of Skjerstad. The village is best known for the boat “Misvær boat”, the “Misvær Cheese” (Misvær Osten), one brown cheese made by TINE and Nikita Hairs founder, Inger Ellen Nicolaisen. 7 km from Misvær lies Vestvatn alpin (Vestvatn alpinanlegg).


The Storm’s cultural quarter in Bodø comprising Storm Theater and Concert house, Storm Library and Literature. Cultural Quarter was opened in 2014 and located by the harbor in Bodø city center. The two parts of the cultural quarter housed in separate buildings, with Hålogalandsgata between. Hålogalandsgata end it in the center town, and goes to the harbor promenade and the Central Terminal.

Storm Theatre and Concert

Additional scene sinus is located in the basement of The Storm Theatre and Concert Hall, and has a capacity of 460 people. It will be a regional resource center for jazz, rock, pop and folk music. There will also be a stage for use during festivals, such as the Park festival and Bodø Hardcore Festival.

The Storm Library and Literaturehouse

The Storm Library and Literaturehouse located in the quarter next to the concert hall. It has a similar architecturally style but the building is lower and have other baskets. The building will include a modern Library and took over for the former Bodø Library, which was located in the same building as the Town Hall. The Library contains a site with current information about municipal activities, and a digital workshop for the production of film and sound. The building also contains a litteratursal with a stage, which can be turned into local presentation.


The World´s Most Beautiful Voyage is a voyage like no other. Nothing can compare with it. Nothing about this journey will resemble anything you have ever experienced before. A ticket for the Coastal Steamer is a ticket to the theatre, an 11-day drama in which new acts constantly unfold all around you.


A polar circle is either the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle. On Earth, the Arctic Circle is located at a latitude of 66° 33´ 44″ N, and the Antarctic Circle is located at a latitude of 66° 33´ 44″ S.

Areas between each polar circle and its associated pole (North Pole or South Pole), known geographically as the frigid zones, would theoretically experience at least one 24 hour period when the sun is continuously above the horizon and at least one 24 hour period when the sun is continuously below the horizon annually. However, atmospheric refraction extends the continuous daylight area while shrinking the continuous darkness area somewhat.

The exact location of the polar circles differs annually as the rotation axis of the earth shifts due to nutation and precession. Therefore the latitudes noted above are an average of those yearly changes.


The Midnight Sun stays above the horizon, and it is light 24 hours a day. The sky must be clear and there must be unobstructed visibility northwards in order to see the Midnight Sun. A summer night on the fjord or in the mountains is an experience not to be missed, you can go fishing in the fjord, which contains splendid variation of fish, or you can take a walk in the wilderness surrounding.


Aurora Borealis is the Latin name for the Northern Lights – solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole. The Northern Lights are only visible when the sky is dark and clear, from August to April, and they are most intense from 10 pm to midnight. The region on the 700 northern latitude is a fantastic place for experiencing the beautiful and intense play of colours given off by the Northern Lights.


The dark time, or the long, dark Polar Night, lasts from 30th November – 12th January – there is only a twilight-dusk type of light (the blue light) for a few hours during the middle of the day. This does not mean that it becomes totally dark, however. The aurora borealis trails its multicoloured banner across the sky and the moon lights the scene just like the nightlight of Our Lord. The experience of the winter with the uniqueness of the light, the northern lights and snow is fantastic. Especially beautiful is the blue light southwards, just before it becomes dark.


Among the existing government incentives, all-electric cars are exempt in Norway from the annual road tax, all public parking fees, and toll payments as well as being able to use bus lanes. Charging points in Bodø at the moment is 46. Charging points can be found on street parking, at taxi stands, in parking lots, at places of employment, hotels, airports, shopping centers, convenience shops, fast food restaurants, coffeehouses etc., as well as in driveways and garages.


The Svartisen glacier is the second largest glacier in Norway. The Svartisen glacier is a park of Saltfjellet / Svartisen national park, wich is Norway´s most various national park. The Svartisen glacier is 375 square kilometer, an thereby covers quite a bit of land. The glacier stretches all the way from the widths in Saltfjellet mountain area, through beautifull valleys with calm rivers, and out to fjords and steep mountains at the coast. Location of the Svartisen glacier is: Saltdal, Rana, Rødøy, Meløy, Gildeskål, Beiarn and Bodø.


In Bodømarka you can enjoy the simplicity of open-air life in untouched, tranquil natural scenery. You can walk or run the close to 35 km of flood-lit trails summer and winter, or explore countless paths that wind across the countryside. Bodømarka offers a lot of other activities, like downhill skiing, ski-jumping, horse-riding and carting, trotting, shooting, orienteering, motor racing, gliding, fishing, open-air swimming and river parks. There are several places where you can buy refreshments.

Bodø Mountain Touring Association, this local group of the national rambler’s society, which owns and runs 12 cabins in the Bodø area, services the 6.000 km stretch from the Saltenfjord in the north, to the Arctic circle in the south. The group has a youth group and glacier, cave exploring and rock climbing groups. A key is needed for most of the cabins. Organised treks and rambles summer and winter.

Bestemorenga recreation park

Stadium and hills for skiing, 30km lighted trails, facilities for flying model airplanes, horse track and firing range.


Exciting natural scenery 10 km north of Bodø. Excellent swimming facilities in the artificial lagoon. Children’s playground and a large carpark. The café is open in the summer.


Popular seaside destinations on warm, sunny days are Geitvâgen, Ausvika and Mjelle, all of which lie north of Bodø. There are also numerous fine beaches along the Coastal Highway. Sandvika beach on the island of Sandhornøya is especially lovely.


Norways most modern indoor water park has a number of pools of all shapes and sizes. That includes an exercise pool, a diving pool with 1m, 2,5 m and 5 m diving boards, a training and therapy pool, childrens pool, wave pool and outdoor pool. Along comes 3 water chutes of which one is 85 metres long and includes light and sound effects, several fountains, caves with a current channel, water mushroom, jacuzzis, saunas and a café offering service in wet and dry zones. The resort also includes a 600 m2 outdoor sunning and play area with free sunbeds, badminton, volley ball and an outdoor pool. No time limit – you can swim and stay as long as you like.


Opposite the Norwegian Aviation Museum is one of the most impressive spa and wellbeing centres in Norway with exclusive furnishings and architecture. The facility offers 6 different saunas; meditation sauna with therapy music and aromas, relaxation sauna with eucalyptus vapour, steam sauna, Finnish sauna, sauna with saltwater vapour and infrared sauna. Two jacuzzis, one indoors and one outside. Heated benches, footbaths, massage showers, tropical rain forest showers, ice grotto and quiet rooms for relaxation and meditation. The wellbeing department has an age limit of 18 years, as they serve beers and wines at the bar. Consumerfriendly admission fees that also allow access to the water park downstairs.


Located at Mørkved, 10 km from Bodø centre. A recreational pool suitable for the entire family. The water is 34°C. Jaccuzzi, massaging water jet. Water slide, saunas and sunbeds. Separate family wardrobes may be booked.


The riding centre by lake Soløyvannet, Bodø Hestesenter and Fritidsgård offers different kinds of riding activities, such as riding camps, courses, sleigh rides etc.


Indoor Go-Cart racing may be enjoyed by groups or individuals. Experience speed and excitement in a safe context – here is all the equipment you need! Laser Drome rental of paintgun weapons for groups! The Go-Cart track is located 2km from town centre, in the Seabird building at Langstranda beach, opposite Widerøe’s offices.


Royal Bowling is one of the finest bowling centres in Northern Europe, and the only one of its kind in Nordland county. The centre offers 1400 m2 of floor space, with 12 international standard courts, a billiard room with 8 pool tables and a snooker table. The bowling centre has a safe, pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. It is decorated with 70 metres of murals which portray scenes from old Bodø. Centrally located at the Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, with good parking facilities.


There are pool tables at Royal Bowling. Dart players are welcome to the Peacock Pub.


Bodø has a tradition of arranging street races, not just for serious competitors but for all the rest of us! The Girl’s Run (Jenteløpet) – is an informal run for women of all ages, where the point is not to run fast, but to have a good time. “NP-mila” is another tradition bound event.


Athletics stadium, 400 metres – 8 lanes. Covered grandstand. The football pitch has new grass with subterranean heating. Nearby, there is a heated pitch with artificial grass. It is the home pitch for Bodø Glimt, Bodø’s professional team, which won the Norwegian Cup Championship in 1993 and took second place in 1996.


The largest sports hall in Northern Norway, 12.000 m2 is used for many kinds of sporting events. It is also used for concerts, exhibitions, conferences etc. In addition to sporting facilities with wooden floors or artificial grass, the hall houses a track, exercise room, climbing wall and a café. The facilities may be reserved by groups.


Bodø and its surroundings offer excellent opportunities for the serious or amateur fisherman, whether you prefer angling in rivers or lakes. Many of the lakes have plentiful stocks of trout and char, and several rivers are known for their salmon and sea trout. Since inland fishing is regulated, please check the local regulations before you cast your line. For sea fishing enthusiast Saltstraumen is legendary, whether you are fishing from shore or a boat.

Saltstraumen is a paradise for ocean fishing. The specialty is coley, and the world’s biggest coley hauled in by rod (22.7 kg) was caught in Saltstraumen. Remember to purchase a fishing licence. Deep sea fishing enthusiasts can take a fishing trip out on the ocean. You can fish for salmon, cod and halibut. Be aware that there are a number of special rules in regards to fishing.

The oxygen-rich waters in Skjerstadfjorden are a plethora of species of fish, plants and other sea creatures. Halibut (110 kg), Saithe (23 kg) and cod (26,4 kg) are the most common types of fish, but you can also get trout, salmon, herring, catfish, haddock and redfish.


Salten Golfclub is a golf course with 6 holes and a variation of difficulties. The course lies 800 meters from Saltstraumen church, approximately 20 km from Bodø City Center.

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