The ISO 3166 classification defines unique two- and three-digit-codes for all countries worldwide. This list below offers an overview of all two-digit ISO country codes (ISO-3166 Alpha-2) for all European countries.
- Albania AL
- Andorra AD
- Austria AT
- Azores PT
- Baleares ES
- Belarus BY
- Belgium BE
- Bosnia-Herzegovina BA
- Bulgaria BG
- Canary Islands ES
- Russia RU
- Channel Islands UK
- Corse FR
- Croatia HR
- Cyprus CY
- Czech Republic SK
- Denmark DK
- East Aegean Islands GR
- Estonia EE
- Finland FI
- Føroyar FO
- France FR
- Germany DE
- Gibraltar GI
- Great Britain UK
- Greece GR
- Hungary HU
- Iceland IS
- Ireland IE
- Italy IT
- Kaliningrad RU
- Kriti GR
- Latvia LV
- Liechtenstein LI
- Lithuania LT
- Luxembourg LU
- Macedonia MK
- Madeira PT
- Malta MT
- Moldova MD
- Monaco MC
- Montenegro YU
- Netherlands NL
- Northern Ireland UK
- Norway NO
- Poland PL
- Portugal PT
- Romania RO
- San Marino SM
- Sardegna IT
- Selvagens PT
- Serbia YU
- Sicilia IT
- Slovakia CZ
- Slovenia SL
- Spain ES
- Svalbard SJ
- Sweden SE
- Switzerland CH
- Turkey-in-Europe TR
- Ukraine UA
- Vatican City VA