Eastern Europe Holiday

The countries of the former Eastern Bloc suffer from a bad image. They are associated with cities full of drab Soviet flats and polluting industry, bland food and a lousy tourist infrastructure. The various civil wars of the 1990s are still remembered by many. But that image is completely outdated. Over the past years, these countries have shaken off the Soviet legacy and undergone enormous development. And did you know that the former Eastern Bloc countries are blessed with beautiful nature? A holiday in Eastern Europe offers the traveler an incredibly varied range of lively cities and beautiful landscapes. This combined with a colorful, hospitable culture makes these countries great holiday destinations for the pioneering traveler.

300 years of Turkish rule has left behind a fascinating mix of Western and Eastern culture. In Albania you see minarets protruding above the roofs in many places. And in Sarajevo’s old town you will find hammams and tea houses. But there is much more. In Albania and Croatia you will find numerous Roman excavations and in Bulgaria the Thracians left behind beautiful burial mounds full of gold.

Holiday in Eastern Europe: Beautiful cities and picturesque villages
Large and well-known capitals such as Bucharest and Sofia are fascinating mixes of Classicist architecture and Soviet splendor, but also old cities such as L’viv (Ukraine), Kosice (Slovakia) and Debrecen (Hungary) are not inferior in grandeur to Paris or Vienna, but then without the hordes of tourists. In the countryside you will find grand monasteries and churches and hundreds of small villages, where you can get a glimpse into the rural life of Eastern Europe in small-scale guesthouses.

Holiday Eastern Europe: Mountains and National Parks
What is the biggest surprise for many visitors when visiting Eastern Europe is the beautiful, unspoiled nature. Tiny Montenegro has no fewer than five National Parks, with an incredible variety of landscapes, including the largest fjords in Europe outside Norway. Croatia , Bulgaria and Romania have several mountain ranges where you can hike for weeks and the pristine, high ‘Cursed Mountains’ in northern Albania will delight any hiker. The Via Dinarica, a long-distance path, leads through 5 countries across the Balkans over fantastic mountain peaks. You will also find crystal clear lakes, impressive waterfalls and the beautiful Adriatic coastline with fjords, mountains and hundreds of offshore islands.

Albania: Balkan hospitality
The nice thing about traveling through Eastern Europe is that on the one hand it feels very familiar, but on the other hand it is so completely different. You will find excellent, clean places to stay everywhere and the city centers have a European feel with their terraces and renovated city centers, but the legacy of the Soviet Union is still present everywhere. The culture of the Balkans with its music, colorful folklore and hospitable people really gives traveling here a different cachet.

Holiday Eastern Europe: Food and drinks
Admittedly, the cuisines in Eastern Europe are not the most refined in the world, but when you have such good ingredients, that is not necessary. The favorable continental climate ensures that the country’s harvests are bountiful and many meals are made with vegetables from the garden. The Turkish heritage ensures a healthy, varied cuisine with honest meat and vegetable dishes. Romania and Bulgaria also have a centuries-old wine culture.

Holiday Eastern Europe: Price level
And, not unimportantly, in Eastern Europe your Euro has a hogh value. The low price level in these countries means that you can enjoy a three-course meal with wine on a terrace under the vines for less than twenty euros. A beer costs the equivalent of one euro and for an overnight stay in a simple but excellent guest house you often only spend about 30-40 euros. This way you can stay away a lot longer for the same money.