Aremark Norway

Aremark municipality is located southeast of Østfold and boundaries in their entire length against Sweden. Aremark muncipality has approximately 1.450 inhabitants and covers a area of 321,0 km2. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Fosby. Near the center is also Furulund allbrukshus with café, meeting rooms and swimming pool. Farming and forestry have always been important for settling and employment in Aremark. The muncipality administrative center is Fossby.

Every two years in Aremark there is a relatively large festival: Elgfestivalen (elk festival). It is held in a festivity area at Kirkeng Camping. It has been arranged every two years since September 1998. The festival begins Friday afternoon and lasts until Sunday afternoon. There are two chapels/churches in Aremark. Aremark church, which is located near Kirkeng (Church meadow), and Holmgil chapel in Bjørkebekk (Birch creek). The main attractions are Strømsfoss (powerstation and a lock), Stømsfoss Mill with a museum and Art gallery, dock for the boat “M/S Turisten”. Between Haldenvassdraget and the borderlake Stora Lee lies Bøensætre.

There are ample opportunities for outdoor recreation both summer and winter in the municipality. The summer is ideal for an active boating on Haldenvassdraget and here there are several recreational areas with bathing places. There are båtutsettingsplasser by Skodsberg plants, Strømsfoss and by Tripperød in Birch Creek. There are also great opportunities for hunting and fishing.


Bøensætre is a unique example of crofter shoulder ride in Østfold. So unique that the TV series “farm” was recorded in autumn 2007. Bøensætre stands today as a living smallholding with livestock and annual settlement in a restored landscape as it appeared around the turn of the century. With today´s operation tries to keep the story alive while preserving the open landscape with lauvingstrær and flowery engbakker.


Mill building as it stands today, was built in 1897-98. This mill is again in operation, and was established in 1995 as the national museum of mills. Here you can see the millstones as templates corn the old way. Miller sells freshly ground flour and guides around the mill. Open weekends during the summer. Mill second and third floor is used for art galleries and tilleggg held view concerts and more in the premises. Open weekends during the summer.


Arebekken museum was originally a cottage from 1723 in the Parsonage. To build the yard belongs våningshus, barn and storehouse, an old mill with horizontal water wheel (fjørkall) and a restored smithy.


Arestad old rectory building and gardens, owned and managed today by Aremark Historical Society. Beautifully situated by Aremarksjøen, just north of Aremark Church. The building rented for parties. In summer, there arranged tours for groups, and requests made to the history of the team´s leader Sigmund Holth.


Farm museum is private and includes two houses, built by Ole Ulsrød, a very enterprising man with a sense of preserving the ancient craft traditions and tools. Collect interest occupied much of his life, and he became known far beyond Aremark limits. The museum consists of over 1,000 objects and includes old farm tools, hunting and fishing department, stuffed birds and animals, as well as equipment for the home, shoemaker and carpenter. One of the houses is an old cotter with open fireplace and bread oven. The cottage is fully furnished, and here there are opportunities for activities such as baking, frying and waffle smørkinning. Everything, of course, the old way.


MS Strømsfoss (former MS Tourist) continues in ministry as she has done over the last 25 years. This is a favorite ship that has delighted many guests at the station, with its spacious deck, good food and friendly staff. The steamship MS Tourist is Halden channel´s Queen. After many years Femsjøen bottom, and a further twelve years under the expert restoration, the Queen back in traffic on the Halden Canal. This floating monument is at your disposal. Experience the stunning beauty Halden Canal aboard the promenade deck or in the beautiful lounge below deck with real plush, brass and mahogany.


The church was designed by architect PH Holtermann, and by Royal Decree of 11 December 1858 was granted permission to erect a new church in the old church site. The building committee consisted of Anders J. Taalsby, Amund J. Grinder and Anders I. Aarnes. The foundation stone was laid down on 13 August 1860 and the church was consecrated by the Dean Wulff 6th November 1861. The church is located on the highway 21 north of Aremark center. The church stands a monument to Ole Hallesby, by Sigurd Nome. The monument was unveiled in 1979 at the 100-year anniversary of his birth.


Holm Gill Chapel is located in the Birch Creek and was built on private initiative. The plot and the timber was donated by the family anchor, which also paid for the erection in 1901. It was inaugurated on 27 February 1902 by Bishop Bang.


There are several lakes and ponds in Aremark. This make Aremark a real Eldorado for anglers. Fishing licences issued by the local hunting and fishing associations can be bought in the local shop.