Ulstein Norway

Ulstein municipality in Norway has approximately 8.000 inhabitants and covers a area of 97,3 km2. The weather has always been important to the islanders of Ulstein. Being dependant on the sea for travelling and having a considerable part of the population making a living from fisheries; bad weather meant danger or a standstill in activity. Although this is not so much the case anymore, the weather still gets its share of attention. The fact that large vessels now and then run on a reef and break up within eyesight contributes to the prolonged respect of the wind and the waves.

The habit of going by boat have continued and become the source of inspiration to the wide variety of ship and ship related industry dominating the business environment of the community. Unlike many other regions with a heavy concentration of marine industries Ulstein has managed to emerge into the third millennium stronger than ever. For those keen on exploring what goes on, just go by the sight of the heavy-duty cranes and look for yourselves.

Different part of the municipality such as Eiksund, Haddal, Garnes, Botnen, Hasund, Strandabøen, Dimna, Skeide, Ulstein and Flø, will give you some nature wonders. Altogether around 600 people are employed with the majority being employed within primary schools and health care. Ulstein recently elected to take on “City” status which by a recent change of law it can do on it own account.


Ulsteinvik is the commercial and administrative centre of the municipality of Ulstein. The town of Ulsteinvik is located on the west side of the island of Hareidlandet, about 23 kilometres southwest of the city of Ålesund. The town is built on a natural harbour, and has an industry driven largely by shipbuilding, with two major shipyards, Ulstein Verft and Kleven Verft. The Ulstein Group includes the Ulstein Verft shipyard and a growing number of other marine-related companies, the largest of which are Ulstein Power & Control and Ulstein Design & Solutions. The town has dozens of other maritime-related firms of all sizes. The strength of this industry through the middle of the first decade of the 21st century has led to significant expansion and new construction, both residential and commercial. Ulsteinvik is the home of IL Hødd, a multi-sport club that includes a Norwegian First Division football team. The team has a large local following, and generates strong attendance at their stadium, Høddvoll.


Flø is a village on the outer edge of the main island Hareidlandet. Facing west with no islands to fence off the seas, it receives the weather all year around in a direct fashion. It is a place for those who seek adventure and experiences that goes beyond a shrink-wrapped guided tour. There is no way of predicting what the weather is going to be like at Flø. And it better than those not living there seem to believe. Farmers, fishermen and the increasing number of artistic people who inhabit Flø are notoriously patriotic and indefensibly chained to the place forever. Those who live at the main island are not always conscious they live on an island. This may be so since they look at the smaller islands off the coast of Ulsteinvik and compared to them Hareidlandet is more like the mainland.

Flø is approximately 10 km north and west of Ulsteinvik centre. A walk towards Flø takes you from calm waters to stunning ocean swells, breaking towards the shore at Flø. Most parts of the distance you may walk along the sea, passing numerous sandy beaches, but going by road also takes you close to the sea. Trying your luck with a fishing rod may reward you with a catch of the season – mackerel, haddock, halibut, cod and more. Stop at Flø feriesenter to rent a boat or go to the end of the public road where you will find a car park. Follow the farmer´s road towards a large rock/boulder. You may detour to picnic near the sea most places along this road. The rocks are well suited for climbing, and there are bolted routes close by.


The in Flø knows more than clothes. What about some travelling tips when you are talking about mountain activities and the rugged terrain anyway and what to wear. If you visit one of our stores and bye a “piece of Norway” you can enter the competition “How many tractors are there in the municipality?”. Post a picture from the store with the item on Facebook or Twitter a message as a proof that you have bought a “piece of Norway”.

LAKE YTREFLØ (Ytrefløvatnet)

After a while it turns inland and uphill, leading to a medium sized water – the lake Ytrefløvatnet, in which you may try your luck with fishing on the condition you have a license. Follow the footpaths and remember to bring a map and you may go on to several other scenic small lakes. If you are equipped for it you may well want to camp overnight in your tent and sleeping bag. As long as you do stay away from forested areas during the period 1. April – 15. September you are allowed to light a fire from driftwood and dead branches etc.


Dimnøya is the larger one and may be toured on bicycle in less than an hour, following the road that goes along the rim of the island. Doing that will take you through a landscape of hills, small farms and settlements with the sea enticing you on the other side. Stop at Ertresvåg – Røren to climb the hill “Røyrafjellet” or picnic by the sea. Near Røren you will find a Nature Reserve, known for its rich birdlife. This area is signposted and birds may not be disturbed during the breeding season.


Park by the exit to Kleven Yard. Follow signs to Høgåsen and walk along a path through the partially wooded hillside to reach the top. This is a moderate and gentle route although parts of the path has been caved out by water making it a little wet during rainfall. Rich rewards await those who make it to the top as it provides a magnificent view of nearly all of the Ulstein Commuity. Only Flø and Eiksund are not seen from this point.


Start at Radisson SAS Hotel and follow the new grit road until it meets the old carriage road. Take to the left and you may follow signs to “Mosvarden” – a 2 hour hiking detour, or take to the right, where you will cross a farmer’s road and next meet up with the main road. Return or cross the main road and follow the grit road back to the hotel, which you will see soon. During late July and August blueberries and mushrooms may be picked along the route. The route is flat with gentle slopes.


Bike or drive past the landfill, stop by the first cultivated field. Follow signs and footpath to Hovdenakken. Parts of the trail are wet and some parts may be considered steep, but not at all dangerous. Bring solid footwear, boots or wellingtons, as well as a windbreaker as this top rises to 1.500 feet.


Bike or drive past the landfill until the top of the hill. In conjunction with parking spaces along the road there are signs and footpaths – a long route immediately at the top and short route where the road goes downhill. Reaching the top of Hasundhornet is rewarded with a beautiful view of Ulstein and Herøy. Be careful, as the western face is very steep. This trip may be extended to Garnestua, follow signs.


See directions for Gamleeidet, follow signs to Mosvarden. A moderate to gentle sloping trail takes you through moorland to the Mosvarden ridge. Care should be taken, as the north face is very steep. Mosvatnet is open to licensed fishing, and is known for its tasty but difficult to catch trout. Cloudberries (Molte) may be found along the route, along ridges, in north facing slopes and by the water.


A scheduled passenger boat commutes between Hatløya and Ulsteinvik. The Hazel island, which once had its own school, is now inhabited by only a handful of elderly people, living on scattered farms. Otherwise the island is a popular recreational place for scouts and the boating people. A hike around the island along roads and paths is highly recommended, as well as trying your luck with a fishing rod on the westerly side of the island.


This island (little Hazel island) has a public quay in conjunction with the old trading place. The island of Borgarøy was one of the first centres for trade in this community. Since it offered a natural shelter against weather conditions and had a good proximity to the frequently used sailing routes it became a popular place for trading goods. Today the island may be visited by using the scheduled passenger boat commuting from Ulsteinvik on a daily basis. The trading place is restored and welcomes visitors for a tour of the premises and the island itself along with offering food and drink from the original trading house.


The grassy islands featuring the original wooden lighthouse of 1886. The current replacement lighthouse is built in 1950 following the partial destruction of the original in an aerial attack during 1945. Access to this island is limited to outside the period of 15th of April – 15th of August, as it is a Nature Reserve. Outside of this period sightseeing tours are sometimes arranged. Check with local sources to find out, as the island is well worth a visit. Until 1986 the island was inhabited by the Keeper and his family, who more or less made a living from cattle on the scarce land and from what the sea had to offer.


This scarcely inhabited island is very unlike the other islands surrounding Ulstein, lying on the southern tip off the main island. Densely wooded with old coastal fur, oak and other species rarely seen in this area any more, it is a reminiscent of how the coastal region once looked like. To get across to Eika one need to get in touch with the locals. Try asking the ferry crew at Eiksund for a start.


A great number of smaller islands populate the near waters around Ulsteinvik, of which some once were inhabited as can be seen from the remaining buildings. Some of these are Vattøy, Spjutøy and Håkonsholmen. The smaller islands are well suited for picnicking as long as you have access to a boat.


Built in 1848, the Ulstein Church of is an octagonal wooden construction serving the local Protestant Community. Situated in the center of Ulsteinvik. The altar is much older and originates back to 1490. It is the only church in Ulstein, and is also used for hosting concerts.


Scattered around the coastal areas of Ulstein are an estimated 40 burial mounds, the oldest ones from the late stone ages. Locally they go by the name of Viking graves, and they are all protected by law and may not be investigated or lifted of stones or any other parts.


The oldest shipyard in Ulsteinvik dates back to 1917, and was founded by Martin Ulstein. The current yard is run by the third generation of descendants, at the agile hands of its CEO – Gunvor Ulstein. Originally the yard was part of a mixed group of marine companies but following a buyout of the Vickers Corporation succeeded by a take-over by Rolls Royce the shipyard was left on its own not part of the take-over. Despite hitting a slump in the market and opposed to expert opinion the current owners elected to initiate a string of investments. This was the start of the revitalisation of the yard. Most notably investments were made against the current trend within shipbuilding to outsource the building of hulls to Eastern Europe, resulting in the record size indoor construction hall. The bravery and hard work has been rewarded with an upturn in the market and a financially sound yard providing attractive jobs to the community. The yard is formally owned by the parent company Ulstein Mekaniske Verksted Holding ASA, and is one of its nine companies employing a total of 600 people. Ulstein Verft hosts a museum of shipbuilding artefacts.


Situated within eyesight of Ulstein Verft the two yards traditionally had their expertise in different markets, making different ships. Lately this has changed and both yards to a degree compete in similar markets, but with the seemingly surprising effect of attracting more orders all together. For a long time the yard was family owned by the four Kleven brothers with John Kleven as the CEO. After a period of Kvaerner ownership during the 1990’s the yard was bought home by a group of investors including some of the founding brothers. Today Kleven Verft thrives as one of three shipyards in the Kleven Maritime group, employing 280 people locally of a total 1000. Kleven yards welcomes visitors to their “Avlen” art gallery and museum and to the adjacent reconstructed workshop “Smia”.


Sunnmøre is the southernmost traditional district of the western Norwegian. Its main city is Ålesund. Though it is one of the three traditional districts in Møre og Romsdal, Sunnmøre is home to more than half the population of the county. The district is made up of mainland as well as several large islands such as Gurskøy and Hareidlandet, plus many small islands.

There are many local newspapers throughout Sunnmøre, as well as one that aims to cover the entire region, published from Ålesund, called Sunnmørsposten.


It is a great pieature for us to welcome you to our “kingdom” – in the centre of Northern Europe´s fjord and alpine country. The region is spectacular, stretching from deep-blue fjords, via verdant valleys with emerald-green slopes way up to the highest wild peaks with their white glaciers. This is not just a picture, but reality, a landscape which you can become fond of.

Majestic peaks and a rugged alpine massif distinguish the Sunnmørs Alps from other mountain areas. Mountains plunge vertically into the fjord from a height of 1.500 – 1.600 metres and from the summit of Jakta at 1.588 metres, ther is a perpendicular fall of 1.821 metres to the bottom of the fjord. This will give you some idea of the enormous dimensions between the summits and the seabed below the waters of the fjords.


The local football team – Hødd – is the pride and joy of a majority of the locals. With stays in the Premier League from time to time the dream of top football is kept alive. Playing in the first division is no small feat either proving that the size of the city is not what counts when it comes to establishing a top football team. The football series starts in April and ends in October but they become Norwegian Cup Champions 2012 at Ullevåll in november, meaning there is ample opportunity to watch football during the summer season. Some of the practising grounds are open year around and are used intensively by the younger Hødd football teams. The alternate grass field is open depending on conditions, and the main grounds are usually open to matches only.


The local diving club keeps a high level of activity. The waters are known to hide a large number of shipwrecks as well as provide an abundance of underwater seaweeds, plants and animals on top of extensive spear fishing opportunities.


Each Wednesday at 18:00 the local sailing boats gather to compete along a course varying from around Runde to something less. If you have experience with sailing you might get the chance to assist someone short of a hand.


Nordmøre may have Norway´s best and most varied opportunities for anglers. You will find a sea rich in species and the supply is abundant; a coastline with shielded areas ideally suited for small boats; fjords with saltwater fish as well as freshwater fish on its way to or from the spawning sites up the rivers; some of Norway´s best rivers for angling for salmon or trout; ten thousand freshwater lakes, all clean and stocked with fish. The lakes are located from out on the islands to up in the mountains, as high as 1.500 – 2000 metres above sea level.


Sunnmøre Golfclub is a golf course with 6 holes and a variation of difficulties. Sunnmøre Golfklubb formerly Ulstein Pitch and Put club sports a par three golf course at Hjørungavåg in neighbouring Hareid Community. A full size golf course at Hovden, Hareid, has recently been appointed planning permission and the final stages of project development are drawing to a close. Full-scale development will commence soon afterwards, pending financing.