Hvaler Norway

Hvaler municipality has approx. 4,000 citizens scattered on four major islands with a modern road connection to the mainland and an area of 89,5 km2. Some 100 citizens live on islands without road connection, and thus keep these small communities alive with their distinct, attractive and relaxing atmosphere. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Skjærhalden, on the island of Kirkeøy. Here, life is next to Eden; birds sing, seagulls scream and the Spring comes early. No wonder Hvaler has become a major coastal resort site along the Oslofjord. Located on the Southernmost part of the Swedish border, Hvaler offers border traffic, water sports, a variety of bars, clean and healthy beaches, sunny Summers and a long-lasting romantic Sundown in the West which attracts more than 30,000 summer citizens every year – and they keep coming back.

Besides having been committed to tourism for generations, Hvaler has long traditions in coastal fishing. Indeed, prawn fishing and on shore support to the fisheries is the biggest industry today. Because we have many guests staying in their holiday houses, Hvaler local council is concentrated on the development in information technology. With a clear policy to utilise the opportunities derived from the internet, we invite guests to spend more time away from their offices, bringing with them their portables while enjoying the fresh and wild nature in the Autumn as well as the lazy Summer.

The Hvaler Skerries are the summer paradise many long for during cold winter evenings. Here we find 550 islands and islets scattered from the Swedish border to Kråkerøy. With small fishing harbours and numerous summer retreats for thousands of guests staying here for brief summer weeks, this is the home of just a few thousand local residents. Many locals live from fisheries and farming, others travel to work in Fredrikstad or even farther away. In summer, as the tourists come and the Hvaler archipelago shows its most beautiful sides, we think few locals go elsewhere for summer holidays. Why should they? They are already in paradise.

You travel to the Skerries by car or by boat. By car, the road across “Stokken” takes you all the way to Skjærhalden at Kirkøy (Church Island). The 3,755 metres long underwater tunnel between Asmaløy and Kirkøy is interesting in its own right, but the sceneries are more wonderful above sea level as you travel along road 108. Do remember to bring cash for the tollroad, though; at Stokken you must pay. It is worth it, take our word for that!

Other islands and islets are arrived at by boat alone. In the east you have Northern and Southern Sandøy, Herføl in the south, Tisler and Akerøy lie open to the sea, and Singløya stands alone north of Kirkøy in the Singlefjorden.

Asmaløy is one of the larger islands in the archipelago of Hvaler which consists of over 800 islands, islets, skerries and reefs located in the outer Oslofjord. Hvaler tunnel (Hvalertunnelen) joins Asmaløy with Kirkeøy, the largest island in the municipality and the site of the administrative centre at Skjærhalden.

Utgårdskilen is south of Vesterøy, and is Hvaler’s largest fishing port. It is also the largest fishing port east of Lindesnes. Sjøbufestivalen in the end of July is the sale of food, toys for the children, concerts and other facilities.


The community centre Skjærhalden at Kirkøy has a large marina with an active and colourful summer life. Hvaler local council has office facilities in Skjærhalden, the major village on the islands. Hvaler is indeed summer land. Whether you come by car or boat – or maybe by bike – here you will find beaches, protected bays and headlands where you can spend the day in tranquil harmony. If you feel like getting cultural and want to forget about the summer and the sea for a brief moment, both the Coastal Museum at Spjærøy and the nearly 1000 year old Hvaler church at Kirkøy are good places to visit.


Akerøya provides summer and culture all in one bite. The Coastal Fortress from the 1660’s reminds us of a time when neighbouring connections with the Swedes were not as quiet and good as they are today. The fortress was renovated in the 1960’s, and the island is a real pearl today. If you should happen to pass by on the first Sunday of August, the Akerøy Day with festivities and fun takes place that day – this year as every year.


Kuvauen at Vesterøy is the only preserved natural harbour for fishermen and pilotes in the Oslo Fjord. We also find large fields for stonebreaking here, and while the ship pilotes looked at the ocean for incoming or passing vessels and a job to do, the rock was turned into pavement stone behind them. Remains after these activities from a not so distant history can be seen everywhere.


Ytre Hvaler National Park is a national park in Hvaler and Fredrikstad. It is mostly a marine park, covering the outer parts of the skerries of the Oslofjord´s east shore. To the south, the national park´s border lies on the Norway – Sweden border next to Kosterhavet National Park. Ytre Hvaler covers an area of 354 km2, of which 340 km2 is sea and 14 km2 is land. The park was established on 26 June 2009 and is the only marine national park in the country. Within the park are two lighthouses: Torbjørnskjær and Homlungen, both which are operated by the Norwegian Coastal Administration. The park includes the largest known coral reef in sheltered waters in Europe, which is located near the island Tisler.


Homlungen Lighthouse is a fully automated leading lighthouse situated on a skerry in the archipelago municipality of Hvaler. The lighthouse and surrounding buildings, which include residences, outhouse, a well, and engine house are proposed protected as a national park.


Torbjørnskjær Lighthouse is a fully automated coastal lighthouse situated on a skerry in the archipelago municipality of Hvaler. It marks the east side of the entrance to the Oslofjord, with Færder marking the west. The light is powered by solar power.


Hvaler has long traditions in coastal fishing. Indeed, prawn fishing and on shore support to the fisheries is the biggest industry today.


Hvaler Golfclub is a golf course with 6 holes and a variation of difficulties. At Stokken you must pay toll. Take the 3,755 metres long underwater tunnel between Asmaløy and Kirkøy (Church Island). The course lies at Sandbrekke Guesthouse, approximately 3 km from Kirkøy.