Harrogate, United Kingdom

Harrogate is an attractive an historic spa town in North Yorkshire. It grew from a small village in the 1500s when a spring at Tewitt Well was discovered to be rich in minerals. It then became a popular destination for the rich and famous of Yorkshire – which continues to this day. Many come to shop or visit the Harrogate Theatre or admire the splendid architecture, such as that of the Victoria Shopping Centre.

The famous Royal Baths of Harrogate are now operated by the Council as a Turkish Baths and Health Spa experience. Located on Crescent Road, the Bath House itself is a spectacular looking piece of architecture and home to many different spa treatments. There is a selection of sauna type rooms of various temperatures from warm to very hot, a plunge pool, relaxation room and extensive showers to enjoy. The minimum time recommended in the Baths is 90 minutes, with plenty of packages available for both men and women lasting up to three and a half hours. Surely the most luxurious destination in Harrogate.

The beautiful Stray area of Harrogate is a park, officially recognised since 1778 as a place for town residents to enjoy without any risk of encroaching buildings entering into its boundaries. It also seems that this will continue to be the case for some time with The Stray Defence Association keeping a keen eye on such a prized part of the city of Harrogate. If you are visiting the city and would like a room with a view of The Stray, there are a number of hotels nearby such as the Cutlers on the Stray and the Best Western Cedar Court Hotel.