Public holidays Bulgaria

Bulgaria has the following public holidays:

  • January 1 New Year’s Day
  • February 14 Trifon Zarezan On this day the wine harvest is celebrated.
  • March 1 Martenitsi. On this day, white and red tassels are worn to
  • celebrate the health and happiness that spring brings.
  • March 3 Independence Day (den na ozvoboszhdenieto) () national holiday (liberation from the Ottomans in 1878). The president then raises the flag at the grave of the unknown soldier.
  • Easter Monday (Orthodox calendar) The Bulgarians also celebrate Easter. But Orthodox Easter falls a week later than Easter in the West.
  • May 1: Labor Day (den na truda).
  • May 6: Day of Courage and the Bulgarian Army or also St. George Day (Gergiovden).
  • May 8 (International Women’s Day; women have the day off)
  • May 24: Cyril and Methodius Day; the day of the Bulgarian alphabet; education and the day of Slavic language and culture (den na azbukata kulturatia i prosveshtenieto)
  • September 6: Unity Day, the day of the Union of Eastern Romania with Bulgaria in 1822
  • September 22: Independence Day (independence from the Ottoman Empire)
  • November 1: Day of the Leaders of the Bulgarian National Revival (den na narodnite buditeli) honors the leaders of the 19th century nationalist movement.
  • December 24: Christmas Eve
  • December 25 and 26 Christmas