Stor-Elvdal Norway

Stor-Elvdal is Norway´s biggest elk municipality in South Norway almost as large as Vestfold County and covers a area of 2.166,0 km2 and approximately 2.700 inhabitants. It is part of the traditional region of Østerdalen. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Koppang. 99% of the municipality are mountains, lakes, rivers, forest and wilderness. Less than 1% of the area is cultivated or residential land, 45% is productive forest and 54% mountains lakes, rivers and wilderness.

The national road RV3 is the main road through the valley, and the fastest road between Trondheim and Oslo. You can also cross over from Gudbrandsdalen via Folldal or Ringebu. Both roads connect with RV3 in Atna. RV 30 takes you through Koppang through Rendalen to Tynset, where you can take RV 3 again.

The name Stor-Elvdal, which means big river valley, comes from Glomma, Norway´s biggest river, which runs through the municipality for 62 miles. Glomma and its tributaries, among them Atna and Imsa, give rich opportunities for watersport and fishing. At various points the river has created super beaches ideal for bathing and different forms of boating sports. In the area near Koppang the river widens out and gives room for a very spesial landscape with many islands.


Elksafari gives you a great opportunitie to meet the king of the norwegian forrest. Take a close look and photograph this majestic animal.


Stor-Elvdal have also deer, beaver, lynx, fox etc. Stor-Elvdal is the place to be when you want untouched and scenic nature, stillness, peaceful holidays and fresh mountain air.


Glomma is Norway´s longest river. Glomma is one of Norway´s best rivers for fishing, and in the currents by the bridge anglers can catch many kinds of fish including trout. The numerous lakes and rivers in the district are also worth trying.Perch, pike and different variety of carp are the dominant species. They are more numerous in the slower water of the watercourse and in the estuaries where the tributaries join. Here perch and pike can reach a considerable size. In parts of the Glom where the current is strongest, and downstream from power station dams, large trout can be found. The access to fishing along the Glomma varies. Cultivated land and undergrowth restrict access and fishing from land in many places. On both sides of the river there is a comprehensive road system.