Flå Norway

Flå muncipality has approximately 1.100 inhabitants and covers a area of 704,5 km2 in Buskerud. Vassfaret is a forest valley between Hallingdal and Valdres. It is about 30 km long, with lakes and rivers with remnants from the timber floating era. There are becks, steeps and rocky mountains. Archaeological finds show that Vassfaret has seen human activity as early as in times before the Black Death struck Norway (1349). Vassfaret had, in larger ages, permanent settlements until 1921, when the last inhabitants left Vassfaret fore Flå. In Flå you may pursue your hobbies of fishing, canoeing or hiking.


Hallingdal is one of the major valleys of eastern Norway, on an area of 5,830 square kilometers. Hallingdal lies in the northern part of the county of Buskerud. The valley stretches from Gulsvik by Lake Krøderen to the border with Hordaland and Sogn & Fjordane.

Central to the geography is relatively flat mountain area which lies from 700 to 1100 meters above sea level. The valley is V-shaped and is drained by the Hallingdal River (Hallingdalsvassdraget) which originates in the western parts of Hardangervidda and flows eastwards later southwards through Hallingdal.

Hallingdal valley consists of six municipalities: Flå, Nes, Gol, Hemsedal, Ål and Hol (Geilo).


Vassfaret is a forest valley between Hallingdal and Valdres, bordering Flå, Nes, Ringerike in Buskerud and Sør-Aurdal in Oppland. The valley is said to be between the Hallingdal and Hedalen in the traditional district of Valdres.

A special area covering cultural protection covers about 8 km² within the Inner Vassfaret landscape protection area. It is about 30 km long, with lakes and rivers with remnants from the timber floating era. There are streams, steeps and rocky mountains. All togheter there are the remains of 12 farms and subsidiary places, as well as the remains of mountain farms. Timber production has existed for more than 300 years. Vassfaret and Vidalen was made a protected area by Royal Decree on June 28th, 1985. It was the intention to take care of flora and fauna characteristic of the inner area of eastern Norway, as well as the diverse cultural remains.

A cultural protection plan was made for an area for about 8 sq.km within the inner Vassfaret landscape protection area. Here is timer production still using the old methods. Every spring the timber is floated to the Nevlingdammen.

During World War II (1940-45), there was intense activity in Vassfaret. It was the homeground of the operational base code-named ELG and the location for many parachute drops. Vassfaret in the past was a good area for bears. The last bear shot fell at Bukollen in 1956. The authors Mikkjel Fønhus, Per Hohle and Edvard Elsrud have written many bookds based on the history and legends from Vassfaret. From Flå you can go to Vassfaret with roads from Gulsvik, Veneli and Domfet.


Vassfaret Nature Trail goes through the central part of Vassfaret that is part of Flå community. The nature trail has 20 information posts with 38 placards which tell about Vassfaret’s geology, plant life, cultural history, protection plans, forest use, hunting and fishing etc. The trail is about 16 km long. At Likkistefjell there is a good view over Vassfaret.


The park has 5 bears: 1 adult male, 2 females and 2 one year old cubs. Their enclosure is 40.000 sq. meters in size and is divided into three large and three small areas. The winter lair has 6 rooms. The bears are fed on fruit, vegetables, berries, fish, meat and honey of course.

The Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) The bear can vary considerably in size and colour. The male can grow to approximately 2-3 metres in length and weigh up to 350 kg.

It can be dark brown, greyish brown, yellowish brown or almost black. The brown bear lives mostly on berries, roots, ants and green plants. It can also prey on large animals such as sheep and even elk. In October/November the bear moves into its winter lair where it stays until April/May. It takes no nourishment during its winter hibernation. The female gives birth to 2-3 cubs in January/February. They weigh only 300 – 400 grams at birth but grow quickly and by late summer or autumn can weigh 60 – 70 kg. The bear is sexually mature at 3-4-years of age. Normally a peaceful animal, the bear can become aggressive if surprised by humans, if it is starving or feels that its cubs or itself are threatened in any way.

Elk (US: Moose) Elk live freely in the surroundings of the Bear Park so it is ntural that they also have a place within the park. An enclosure of 30.000 sq. meters has been created and at present houses 1 male elk. Females will be added gradually.

Coffee, fresh waffles and sour cream. Sale of fish smoke – cured in the park. A Lapp tent with room for 70 – 80 persons. Picnic area with barbecues/sale of meat for grilling. Children’s area with lambs, goats, rabbits and poultry.


A rich variety of activities are available, including good trout fishing in rivers and lakes.


Golfclubs in Buskerud.