Bømlo Norway

Bømlo muncipality has approximately 10.850 inhabitants and covers a area of 247,0 km2. Bømlo is a island muncipality with 1000 small and bigger islands. In recent times traditional fishing has declined but fish farming is coming to take its place. Township authorities hope this will play an increasingly important role in the community’s economy. The modern administrative centre of the township is at Svortland. Rubbestadneset is the biggest and most important harbour in Bømlo, but also Mosterhavn, Brubakken, Øklandsvågen, Serklauv, Hovlandshagen, Langevåg, Bømmelhavn, Espeværskaien and Eidesvik is important.

The main attraction at Bømlo is Siggjo (474 metres) the highest peak in the muncipality. From Siggjo you can see Folgefonna in the east and Haugesund in the south.


At Espevær you can experience a cathedral of silence, woodwork, stone, water, light and darkness. A remarkable 950 m2 structure covering the surface of the water. Learn about the history of lobster fishing and see the equipment that was used in this trade. Regular opening hours with guided tours during the summer.


Kulleseid Telegrafstation was built in 1857 at Finnås. Kulleseid Telegrafstation is the oldest telecommunications building in Norway and the “jewel” in the Telenor crown of listed buildings and installations. In 1997, the Norwegian Telecommunications Museum and the Central Office of Historic Monuments restored the building and it now houses a small exhibition showing how the building was used from 1857 until the exchange wasmade automatic in 1974. Open by appointment.


In 1874 the Society of Historic Monuments (Fortidsminneforeningen) purchased the church, probably the Norwegian rural church with the longest antiquarian history. Moster Church at Mosterhamn is one of the simplest church buildings in Norway with a square choir and a rectangular nave.


Take a guided tour through the mine and experience the magic of the gold and the events that took place here more than 100 years ago.


At Mosterhamn Northern Europe´s most unique open-air stage and theatre arena. Seats 1300. Ideal for theatre productions, concerts etc. Inside, Moster Amfi houses the exhibition “From Heathendom to Christianity”, a journey in sound and pictures, and “1000 years – A Mass”, following two parallel lines: the historical from 995 to 1995 and the liturgical from the beginning to the end of the High Mass. Amfisalen doubles as a concert hall, theatre and lecture hall well suited for conferences and entertaining.


Enjoy the rugged coastline, the invigorating sea air and the secluded coves. On Bømlo you’re never far from the sea. Sea-fishing is unrivalled here. Try your luck casting the line from the rocky foreshore. A day at sea is an unforgettable experience, fishing either from a smack or a cutter – a bite is virtually guaranteed.