Bokn Norway

Bokn municipality area is 47,2 km2 of beach line that form fine natural harbours and points of beauty in Norway. The population in the township is around 900 inhabitants, with over half living around the urban areas of Føresvik and Alvestadkroken. The modern administrative centre of the township is at Føresvik, where there is a nursing home, bank and post office, as well as other services. The centre is next to a modern elementary school and a football field. The school building also houses a library and a nursery school. The township has a football team, music school, arts and crafts groups, etc.

Bokn has always been a fishing community. In recent times traditional fishing has declined but fish farming is coming to take its place. Township authorities hope this will play an increasingly important role in the community´s economy. The municipality consists of Western and Eastern Bokn, Ognøy and a number of smaller islands. The climate is mild and the vegetation consists mostly of heather. There is also some attractive forest area with deciduous and evergreen trees. The standard of living in Bokn is good; it provides old and young with a sense of security.

Bokn has been a strategic area throughout history. The name Bokn means a navigation point or landmark, this a junction between North and South Rogaland. Bokn has been densely settled from far back, right up to the boom-times of the herring. In more recent times the population had decreased but it is now on its way up again gradually.

The elderly are taken care of through a nursing home and a well developed home help nursing system. Nursery school capacity is good and will be increased further. Many are involved in group interests such as handiwork, football, etc. Co-operative and mutual consideration among the population is one of the riches of this society. The township has made building lots available at residential developments, but it is also possible to build on privately owned lots.

Attractions around Bokn is Bokn Rural Museum, Karmsund Rural Museum, Cottage at Laupland, The Restored Stone Mill, Klepp Bunkers, The Singing Stone, Burial Mounds, Kleivo Open Farm, Scenic view point at Boknafjellet.

In 1991, when the mainland connection to Tysvær via Kårstø and the ferry connection with the southern party of the county is established, Bokn will again be a strategically important junction between North and South Rogaland. Bokn township is situated between Karmøy and Tysvær, and is most conveniently located now, as the new coastal highway is open.


Bokn also has several lakes that are good for fishing and the sea around Bokn is also rich in fish.