Ballangen  Norway

Ballangen muncipality in NOrway has approximately 2.700 inhabitants and covers a area of 931,2 km2. This mining community has a lot to offer, with its tourist activities centring around nature and history. Wonderful touring terrain for hikes in the forest and mountains. Ballangen town centre services are well developed. There is a mining and village museum. There is also a mine open to tourists, where one can walk 500 metres straight into the mountain!

Outdoor activities abound here! Mountain hikes, fishing, salmon rivers etc., all are extremely popular!

Ballangen Camping is proud of its outdoor pool, its water slides, mini golf, tennis courts, boat rentals and beautiful cabins.


The Efjord bridge was open in 1969. Stop in on Efjorden and marvel at beautiful mountains and crystal clear water. Furthest out in Efjorden lays Skarstad with museum, cafe, guestharbour and campingplace. A little further out from Skalstad against Finnvik the sculpture “Heaven on earth”.

To the south you can find Valle and Vallebukta with rock carvings. The Valletind mountain is the answer to Japans Fudijama. Mountains in the area is Tepkiltinden, Rundtinden, Breiskartinden and Valletinden. Outside Skarstad lies Barøy and Barøy Lighthouse. Between Barøy and Skarstad lies Revelsøy a old trading place.


The Midnight Sun stays above the horizon, and it is light 24 hours a day. The sky must be clear and there must be unobstructed visibility northwards in order to see the Midnight Sun. A summer night on the fjord or in the mountains is an experience not to be missed, you can go fishing in the fjord, which contains splendid variation of fish, or you can take a walk in the wilderness surrounding.


Aurora Borealis is the Latin name for the Northern Lights – solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole. The Northern Lights are only visible when the sky is dark and clear, from August to April, and they are most intense from 10 pm to midnight. The region on the 700 northern latitude is a fantastic place for experiencing the beautiful and intense play of colours given off by the Northern Lights.


The dark time, or the long, dark Polar Night, lasts from 30th November – 12th January – there is only a twilight-dusk type of light (the blue light) for a few hours during the middle of the day. This does not mean that it becomes totally dark, however. The aurora borealis trails its multicoloured banner across the sky and the moon lights the scene just like the nightlight of Our Lord. The experience of the winter with the uniqueness of the light, the northern lights and snow is fantastic. Especially beautiful is the blue light southwards, just before it becomes dark.


To fish for salmon, sea trout, trout, sea char and char you must buy a fishing permit from the area you wish to fish in. This can usually be bought from the local landowner. In addition to this you must pay a government fee if you wish to fish for salmon, sea trout and sea char in these lakes and rivers. This is obtained from any post office.