Audnedal Norway

Audnedal muncipality in Norway has approximately 1.700 inhabitants and covers a area of 251,0 km2. This is a beautiful inland district in the middle of Vest-Agder. In the middle of the beautiful natural surroundings of this valley are three lakes, the source of the famous salmon river the Audna. The river is once again a good place to fish salmon and sea trout after the completion of Norway´s largest chalking project. A fishing site for the disabled has been constructed near Gislefoss in the south of the district. In these narrow rapids you can also see the salmon jumping. The lakes have good stocks of trout and eel.


Situated at Konsmo. Art exhibilions, farm museum, home crafts sales outlet via the local residents association. The house was a sheriff’s house between 1839 and 1877. A room on the third floor is believed to have been used as a cell while the house belonged to the sheriff. There is a small guardroom on the second floor close to the stairs up to the uppermost attic. The famed Ole Høyland from Bjelland is said to have been kept in custody in this house. He is famous for having escaped frum prison 11 times and for having stolen 64,000 riksdaler (silver pieces worth NOK 4 in use until 1875) from the Bank of Norway. Open during the summer.


Old dwelling, a variant of the “Mandalske stue form”, the so-called Mandal coltage. Cupboard beds, kitchen utensils and textiles from the area. Open in July and August, otherwise by prior arrangement.


An old restored farm at Helle, Konsmo, with outhouses, a wellhouse and farmhouse from approx. 1840. Sale of home crafts, coffee / waffles, home-made bread and griddle cakes. Open during the summer.


Ecological demonstration garden at Eli Smedsland´s home at Kollungtveit. Large area with vegetables, herbs and flowers. Here you will see: Mixed planting, green fertilizer sections, crop rotation, composting, earth covering, surface composting, etc. The garden is on a farm which is being convertcd to ecological management. Spice herbs in pots sold in July and August. Guided tours by arrangement.


In the middle of the beautiful natural surroundings of this valley are three lakes, the source of the famous salmon river the Audna. The river is once again a good place to fish salmon and sea trout after the completion of Norway´s largest chalking project. A fishing site for the disabled has been constructed near Gislefoss in the south of the district. In these narrow rapids you can also see the salmon jumping. The lakes have good stocks of trout and eel.