Andøy Norway

Andøy municipality in Norway is located in Vesterålen and has approximately 5.100 residents of which approximately 3.200 lives in the countyseat of Andenes. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Andenes. The municipality of Andøya consists of two islands, Andøya island and Hinnøya island. Hinnøya is Norway´s largest island while Andøya is the 10th largest island in the country. These two islands are connected to each other by Andøy Bridge (Andøybrua), which was completed in 1975.

The county comprises 655,9 km2, has 231 km of coastline, and has 356 lakes. The island of Andøya, by itself, has an area of 488 km2 of which approximately 218 km2 is unspoiled marshland between 0 and 25 meters above sea level. The world-famous Coastal Steamer (Hurtigruten) docks at Risøyhamn. Risøyhamn is a village on the island of Andøya municipality. The airport is located at Andenes.

The county´s highest mountain is Skrivartind on Hinnøya at 890 meters while Andøya´s highest mountain is Kvasstind at 705 meters. In Andenes lies Norway´s largest “gårdshaug”, which is an area consisting of the ruins of several old farms located on hills. Tromsø Museum has many valuable archeological findings from this farm area, especially from the old church that was previously located on the premises.

Andøya is characterized by experts as a “geological textbook”, with both the youngest and the oldest species of rocks. The northernmost point of Andøya was presumably ice– free during the last Ice Age. The moraine in Bleik (which is an accumulation of earth and stones carried and finally deposited by a glacier) is consequently the contry´s oldest moraine. The Ramså area is the only area on Norway´s mainland with rock formations from the Jurassic Period of the Mesozoic Era (120 – 150 million years old, the country´s youngest rock formations).

Three marshland areas in Andøya are nature reservations, the largest being located in Skogvoll and is 70 km2. The area is also of great international protective value because of its rich plant and bird life. Andøy is one of the country´s largest fishing counties, with fishing harbors at Andenes, Bleik and Nordmela. There is also a considerable amount of agriculture.


Andenes is a village in the northern part of the island of Andøya in the present-day municipality of Andøy. The village of Andenes is the northernmost settlement of the island of Andøya and in Nordland county. To the east is the island of Senja, and to the west the endless horizon of the North Atlantic Ocean. Andenes is the administrative centre of the municipality of Andøy. Andenes was already an important fishing village during the Iron Age. By the early 1900s, it had become one of the largest fishing ports in Norway.

Andenes Church is located in the central part of the village. The local newspaper is named Andøyposten. Andenes hosts the annual “Rock mot Rus” (Rock against drugs) festival. The construction of Andøya Air Station was commissioned in 1952 and funded in large part by NATO. It was to be situated between Haugnes and Andenes. Besides fisheries, Andøya Air Station has been the largest workplace in Andøy since the 1970s. Andenes Lighthouse sits along the harbor and can be seen for long distances. Andøya Airport, Andenes is located just south of the village, off of Norwegian County Road 82.


Bleik is a fishing village located on the northwestern part of the island of Andøya, about 10 kilometres southwest of the town of Andenes. Bleik is the oldest village in Norway and the population is close to 500 people. Bleik offers some of the most known fishing environments nation wide. This includes both fresh water- and deep see fishing. Fishing license available at the local grocery store. Hiking is a popular activity in Bleik, and we even got our own hiking organization. Hikers can enjoy numerous tracks in the mountains, lowlands and around the moraine. The Bleiksvatnet lake lies just south of the village. The triangle shaped island of the coast is “Bleiksøya”. The island hosts about 150 thousand puffins, and a huge amount of eagles.

Bleik has the longest beach in Norway, and the beach is most likely the reason for the villages name. The beach is white, and “Bleik” is a word for white / pale in Norwegian. Bleikstranda beach is a popular white sandy beach stipe among families with children as well as kiters. The beach is approximately 3 km long.


Hinnøya is an island in Nordland and Troms. Covering an area of 2,204.7 square kilometres, it is the fourth-largest island in the country, and the largest off the mainland. The western part of the island is in the Vesterålen district, while the southwestern part is in Lofoten.

The island is split between the municipalities of Harstad and Kvæfjord, and Andøy, Hadsel, Lødingen, Sortland, Tjeldsund and Vågan. Hinnøya is dissected by several fjords, and contains a mostly rugged and mountainous terrain, especially the southern part. It is the location of Møysalen National Park, which includes the highest mountain on the island, Møysalen, with its 1,262 metres above sea level. The best agricultural area is in the northeast, in Harstad and Kvæfjord. In the north lays Forfjorddalen nature reserves contianing a valley with forests, bogs and the oldest pine tree in Scandinavia, some more than 700 years old.

Hinnøya is connected to the mainland by the Tjeldsund Bridge across Tjeldsundet. To the west it is connected to Langøya by the Sortland Bridge, and to the north to Andøya by the Andøy Bridge. Part of European Route E10, it runs close to the national park. In the was officially opened on December 1, 2007. The road is designated as the E10 and goes very close to Møysalen National Park.


Møysalen National Park is a national park located on Hinnøya that preserves undisturbed coastal alpine landscape. The scenery is characterized by peaks jutting out of the ocean and fjords, the highest point is Møysalen (1,262 meters). The park is largely undisturbed. This is one of very few national parks in Norway that goes all the way down to sea level; the Vestpollen fjord branch is included in the national park. The park thus also includes areas with undisturbed birch forest in addition to the mountains. The steep mountains and rich sea shores nearby with many seabirds, as well as populations of rodents, provide good hunting areas for several species of predatory birds; both White tailed eagle, Golden eagle, Gyrfalcon and Peregrine Falcon have been observed nesting in the park.


Bjørnskinn Church in Risøyhamn is located at exactly 69 degrees north, and to Alaska´s northernmost point, which is approximately 70 degrees north. There is evidence of settlers on Andøya as early as 1400 b.c., but there are many signs which indicate that people have lived here for over 6.000 years.


In Bakken, located near , lie the remains of two farms from the Iron Age and one farm from the Middle Age. These farms are som of the best wellpreserved farms from olden times in Northern Norway.


Hisnakul is situated between Andenes lighthouse and The Whale Centre. Hisnakul is its name, also known as Andøy Natursenter. It is not, however, a traditional nature centre. Hisnakul illustrates how nature and people come together in a North Norwegian coast environment. The particularly interesting themes in the Andøy landscape, the vast marshlands, sea bird life, the Northern Lights and the Andøya Rocket Range research, the fisheries, and cultural history.


The World´s Most Beautiful Voyage is a voyage like no other. Nothing can compare with it. Nothing about this journey will resemble anything you have ever experienced before. A ticket for the Coastal Steamer is a ticket to the theatre, an 11-day drama in which new acts constantly unfold all around you. More infrmation on COASTAL STEAMER (HURTIGRUTA)


The Midnight Sun stays above the horizon, and it is light 24 hours a day. The sky must be clear and there must be unobstructed visibility northwards in order to see the Midnight Sun. A summer night on the fjord or in the mountains is an experience not to be missed, you can go fishing in the fjord, which contains splendid variation of fish, or you can take a walk in the wilderness surrounding.


Aurora Borealis is the Latin name for the Northern Lights – solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole. The Northern Lights are only visible when the sky is dark and clear, from August to April, and they are most intense from 10 pm to midnight. The region on the 700 northern latitude is a fantastic place for experiencing the beautiful and intense play of colours given off by the Northern Lights.


The dark time, or the long, dark Polar Night, lasts from 30th November – 12th January – there is only a twilight-dusk type of light (the blue light) for a few hours during the middle of the day. This does not mean that it becomes totally dark, however. The aurora borealis trails its multicoloured banner across the sky and the moon lights the scene just like the nightlight of Our Lord. The experience of the winter with the uniqueness of the light, the northern lights and snow is fantastic. Especially beautiful is the blue light southwards, just before it becomes dark.


At Børra, the road separates the steep mountainside in the east from the open sea that breaks against the shore in the west. At the Børhella promontory you see the rock formation of Bukkekjerka, which is an old Sami sacrificial site. Characteristic for the site is the rock formation of “Bukkekjerka” between the road and the sea; a protected Sami cultural monument where nature has carved out an altar and a pulpit. The service building with toilets has one-way mirror glass so that the visitor in private may enjoy the view over the open sea and the row of mountain peaks in the north. On the outside, the mirror glass windows reflect the magnificent landscape.


Because of the short distance from Andenes to very deep oceanic waters, Andenes is the only place in northern Europe where you can see the giant male sperm whales on relatively short trips. Combining research and adventure, the Whale Safari from Andenes is described to offer one of “the highest quality whale watching in the world”.


Just off the western side of Andøy Island and the fishing village of Bleik is Bleiksøy Island, one of Norway´s most famous bird cliffs. A local fishing vessel goes every day to the island, where you can observe a wide range of the sea-bird species of the Norwegian coast.

70-80.000 pairs of puffins, more than 4.000 pairs of kittiwakes and hundreds of cormorants, storm petrels, common guillemots, fulmars, razorbills and other species raise their young here. The chance of seeing a white-tailed eagle at Bleiksøy Island is very high.


A short walk 30-60 minutes – to Måtind, and you will have a vieuw you will never forget ! More breathtaking than Himalaya or Jotunheimen! Enjoy montain trips and beach walkes.


A Diving Centre has been established at Kvalnes on the eastern side of Andøy Island, where you will be offered air filling (200 and 300 bar), in addition to access to a very attractive area for divers. Clear, clean water and an exciting sea-bed in Andfjorden. Diving directly from shore, or from rented boats.


There are also many fantastic marsh and mountain areas where you can hunt grouse and black grouse, if you have the necessary permit and license.


Bleik has the longest beach in Norway, and the beach is most likely the reason for the villages name. The beach is white, and “Bleik” is a word for white / pale in Norwegian. Bleikstranda beach is a popular white sandy beach stipe among families with children as well as kiters. The beach is approximately 3 km long.

Høyvika Beach has mountains on three sides, Staveheia, with highest peak Måtinden 397 meters above sea level. To the northwest is the open sea without some form of protection against the sea.


Andøy has many salmon lakes and rivers. The most well-known is the lakes and rivers of the Roksdals area. To fish for salmon, sea trout, trout, sea char and char you must buy a fishing permit from the area you wish to fish in. This can usually be bought from the local landowner. In addition to this you must pay a government fee if you wish to fish for salmon, sea trout and sea char in these lakes and rivers. This is obtained from any post office.


Golfclubs in Nordland.