Alta Norway

Alta muncipality in Norway has the largest population in the county with approximately 19.100 inhabitants and covers a area of 3.849,4 km2. It is a fjord municipality with expansive hinterland, and a typical inland climate. Excellent conditions for outdoor pursuits with the Altaelva river as the main attraction. People travel here from far and wide to fish salmon in the Alta and Tana Rivers.

Museum including rock carvings featured on the UNESCO World Heritage list. Exhibitions about the Far North from the Stone Age to the world’s first northern lights observatory. Commerce and service, mining, agriculture and fishing. Alta is among Northern Norway´s largest centres for education and research. Finnmark College is located here. Grieg Seafood has branches in Alta, Øksfjord, Hammerfest, the North Cape and Kjøllefjord.


Altaelva is the third longest river in Finnmark county. The river begins in the mountains and lakes in Kautokeino, near the border with Troms county and Finland, just south of Reisa National Park. The river is one of the best salmon rivers in Norway, known for its large-sized salmon. In older days, salmon up to 33 kilo were recorded, and still fish up to 24 kilo are caught. In 2011, there were 1,082 salmon (7 kilo or heavier) that were caught on the river.


The world´s northernmost icehotel lies 15 km from Alta center. The hotel covers a area of 1.600 m2. Everything in the hotel is made of snow and ice. Alta Igloo Hotel have 20 rooms and 50 beds. The hotel is decorated with ice sculptures. Inside the hotel there are always minus 4 – 7 degrees. To make your stay pleasant you get reindeerskin and a sleeping bag.


Quartz is extracted at Tana and Alta slate is sold on the international market. The county also has quantities of gold and copper.


Prehistoric rock drawings. Approximately 2.500 – 6.200 years old.


Alta-elva. Northern Europe’s largets canyon. Walks, riverboat and bus trips. Observation room in the mountain at the dam. The room is encased in the mountainside above the 110 metres high dam.


Furthest in the Bognelvdal valley in Langfjordbotn. At the Western end of Finnmark County, a great river emerges from the ground. The source has been nicknamed “Blubben”, (refers to the sound made by the waters) and has been a tourist attraction since the 18th century.


Halddetoppen. Kåfjord – the world’s first Northern Lights Observatory. 2 of the three buildings have been restored. The Haldde observatory is available for hire.


The Midnight Sun stays above the horizon, and it is light 24 hours a day. The sky must be clear and there must be unobstructed visibility northwards in order to see the Midnight Sun. A summer night on the fjord or in the mountains is an experience not to be missed, you can go fishing in the fjord, which contains splendid variation of fish, or you can take a walk in the wilderness surrounding.


Aurora Borealis is the Latin name for the Northern Lights – solar winds that meet the atmosphere in a zone around the magnetic North Pole. The Northern Lights are only visible when the sky is dark and clear, from August to April, and they are most intense from 10 pm to midnight. The region on the 700 northern latitude is a fantastic place for experiencing the beautiful and intense play of colours given off by the Northern Lights.


The dark time, or the long, dark Polar Night, lasts from 30th November – 12th January – there is only a twilight-dusk type of light (the blue light) for a few hours during the middle of the day. This does not mean that it becomes totally dark, however. The aurora borealis trails its multicoloured banner across the sky and the moon lights the scene just like the nightlight of Our Lord. The experience of the winter with the uniqueness of the light, the northern lights and snow is fantastic. Especially beautiful is the blue light southwards, just before it becomes dark.


Alta has hundreds of lakes to fish in. Recommended are: Altaelva river: Salmon, sea trout and Arctic trout. Bognelva river: Sea trout. Eibyelva river: Salmon, sea trout, Arctic trout. ALakselva river (Kviby): Salmon, sea trout and Arctic trout. Mathiselva river: Salmon and sea trout. Transfarelva river: Sea trout. Tverrelva river: Sea trout.

Deep sea fishing trips also available.


Golfclubs in Finnmark.