Agdenes Norway

Agdenes Township in Norway was incorporated in 1964 and is comprised of Lensvik, Ingdalen and Mølnbukt. The coat of arms which symbolizes that Agdenes was once inhabitated by kings, also symbolizes the importance of the areas fur and strawberry industry. Agdenes is situated on the south side at the entrance to Trondheimsfjord, and has a coastline of approximately 60 km.

Agdenes muncipality has approximately 1.800 inhabitants and covers a area of 318,0 km2. The community center lies in Lensvik. Main industries are Agriculture, fishing and sea farming. There is a unique opportunity for fishing as well as hunting. The river Orkla is excellent for salmon fishing. The hunting opportunities are very good. You may shoot elk, deer, roe-deer, hare and game birds. Do you want an active holiday or quiet relaxation in a completely natural environment close by the mountains and the fjord – the choice is yours! You can either “rough it” in a mountain hut or tent or choose a well-equipped cabin. Mountain safaris, sea-fishing trips, coral-diving.


From a maritime viewpoint, the locality is situated in a key position where the Trondheimchannel and the Trondheimfjord meet. There is no doubt that it was precisely this location that played an essential role when the harbour was constructed in a small bay on the northern point of Agdenes. The lighthouse was built in 1803.


King Øystein accomplished many things during his rule in Norway. For exemple, in this area he built Agdenes Church at Værnes, and a harbour, “Kong Øysteins Havn”, where previously none existed. When Terje Wenaas, in the autumn of 1991, was scuba diving in the waters off a farm in outer Agdenes, he found the remains of what appeared to be a harbour. The preserved remains are located approx. 7-8 meters underwater.

The pilings are made of timber filled with stones. Scientific research performed by Trondheim Vitenskapsmuseum, revealed that King Øysteins Havn is the only local harbour, from the viking era, with perserved construction. The museum photographed and documented its findings and will continue with its research of this historical site.


Research has revealed that Agdenes was a classic settlement during the oldest stoneage in Central Norway. In 1956, Sverre Marstrander published his book which is called “Highlights in Trondheims History”, in it he states that Agdenes is one of the most important areas in the district when it comes to recovered artifacts from the bronze/stoneages. To the west/southwest of Agdenes lie the islands of South and North Leksa.

When plans were submitted to build a tourist attraction on one of the islands, the Culture Department of South Trondheim decided to carry out further research before issuing a permit to build. The main reason being that the Cultural Department knew the area had historical importance from the writings of Snorre. They knew they would probably find artifacts, but never in their wildest dreams did they believe they would find en entire village.

During a tour with the owners of the farm, one member of the group discovered indentations along one of the banks. After a few days of excavation, their dreams were realized, they had found a settlement from the middelages. There were together 10 roundish homesites which were for the most part lying in a cluster with two of the sites a short distance away. From artifacts recovered, it is estimated that the islands were inhabited some 5000 to 7000 years ago.


Fosen is a peninsula north-west of the Trondheimsfjord. The region has an exciting variety of landscapes and villages. Farming, fishing and trade are the principal industries. Purely historically this area is also interesting. Fosen has some of the oldest traces of ancient settlement in Norway, from an age more than 11000 years back in the past. The region has played an important part in the development of the country. Its history is mainly the tale of resourceful, toiling people who slowly, but surely laid the foundations of the present days’ prosperity.

Fosen is a land of contrasts. From coastal landscapes with skerries, moors and quiet fjords you can reach beautiful mountains and valleys within a distance of a few kilometres. You will find cultural landscapes, forests, marshes, wild rivers, peaceful lakes and gushing streams. The weather, too, changes almost as quickly as the scenery.

The multitude of plant-, animal- and bird- species makes Fosen a fascinating area for people concerned with nature. Here you can find a wonderland for ornithologists. The country is also perfect for walking tours. A visit here makes you feel alive!


The hunting opportunities are very good. You may shoot elk, deer, roe-deer, hare and game birds.


There is a unique opportunity for sea-fishing in the Trondheimsfjord. The river Orkla is excellent for salmon fishing.