Be amazed what traces of history can be found anywhere in Europe.
Archaeology is the study of the human past. Its initial objective is the construction of cultural chronology. Its intermediate objective is the reconstruction of past lifeways. Its ultimate objective is the discovery of the processes which underlie and condition human behavior. Archaeology (or Archeology) is a science well suited for anyone who enjoys biology, botany, geology, chemistry, history, psychology, art, and solving a great puzzle. It is not looting and robbing.
Various countries have enacted laws and regulations to ensure that their legacies are not exported or destroyed. There are acts which intend to repatriate looted legacies. In the United States of America, many state governments are sensitive to the need for archaeological study and excavation when any development project — state-sponsored or commercial — uncovers evidence of historical human presence.
More information:
- History on TravelGuide Europe
- 19th century ancient Greece
- National Museet Denmark
- Archéologie France
- Archeonet
- Archéologie maritime
- Archäologie online guide
- Bildlexikon der Antiken Mythologie
- Intern. Nemrud Foundation
- Perseus project
- Plan de Rome ville architecture
- Rijksdienst voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek
- Sagalassos forgotten city