Trøgstad  Norway

Trøgstad municipality is situated in the north of Østfold county, between the lakes Øyeren and Hemnessjøen (Øgdern). The district is about 204,5 km2 and has around 5.150 inhabitants. The administrative centre of the municipality is the village of Skjønhaug. The municipality is divided into the parishes of Trøgstad, Båstad and Havnås. Trøgstad has a diversified agriculture which amongst other things, has contributed to maintaining a very beautiful cultivated landscape.

The ravines near Øyern are a treasure-house of diversity. Good walking country is right outside the door for most of the inhabitants, and the possibilities for a very varied outdoor life are immense. Fishing and shooting are popular leisure activities. The ravine landscape was formed during the ice age and includes a large number of unstable clay deposits. These have lead to 2 large landslides. In 1967 four people were killed, and parts of the countryside immediately north of Skjønhaug were completely changed. The landslide in Båstad in 1974 was even larger, but no lives were lost.

Trøgstad municipality two higest peak is Viktjernåsen 330 meters and Oppskott 302 meters. The commercial life of Trøgstad is dominated by agriculture, small industries and services. Trøgstad has a large amount of through-traffic of motor campers and other motorised tourists during the summer. As with the rest of the county the district is rich in ancient monuments. The oldest find of a settlement is from Stikla in Båstad, probably 6000 years old. On Trøgstad´s shield we find an anvil, because the district was formerly known for its many skilful smiths. There are still many skilled craftsmen in the area.


One of Norway´s oldest folk museums from 1928. The nucleus is a farm complex from the 1700’s. The museum includes a total of 12-13 buildings round 3 courtyards. The houses contain a fine collection of old articles and utensils. Guided tours every Sat. and Sun.


The fort is part of the Glomma line and was build in the period between 1912 and 1917 and decommissioned in 1995. The fort has a unique situation near Skjønhaug centre. It is a fort built on rock, with storerooms blasted out of the rock, and it had cannons in swivelling armoured towers. The camp itself is of a special type of wooden buildings.


Everyone is welcome here to an eventful day with many different animals; donkeys, wild pigs, goats and horses. “Karistua” – 300 year old timber house and the farm’s guest house, a fine background for good, traditional food. Open every day 12.00 – 19.00.


Bygdeborger, (hill forts) east of Havnås, sign-posted. The district has many hill forts. The largest are the twin-forts, Festningsåsen and Bæljeråsen, which are about 250 m from each other. Partially preserved walls.


Geirmundstien. Stone paved old forest road made by Geirmund Røen (1867-1950). Sign-posted from Parking area at Stiklatjern.


Lier industrial monuments area is a lively industrial area round 1880, brickworks, saw-mill, iron foundry etc. Ruins and walls still easily seen. Sign-posted from Havnås.
Remembrance Park for the landslide of 1967. The mud slide of 1967 took 4 lives and changed the scenery north of Skjønhaug completely. The remembrance park is by a picnic area.
Møllebakk industrial area. Remains of the dam and mill activity easily seen.
Stikla Mølle and industrial area. “Stiklen cardboard and paper factory” employed 25 people in 1880. Founded by the member of parliament, Olai P. Wiig. Burned down in 1890 and rebuilt as a mill. The mill and sees sorting plant is still there today, in private hands.
Trolldansen, grave site. Norway’s smallest round stone burial mound. It is located on the farm of Faugli in Havnås.
Trollkjerka. A pyramid shaped stone formation near Lier Damtjern east of Havnås.


Trøgstad Church is a medieval church from the 1200’s, restored in 1904-5. The church has a lot of fine decoration, e.g. an alter piece from 1712.


Båstad Church is a beautiful wooden church. It was designed by the architect Chr. H. Grosch, and was finished in 1860.


Bech’s kapell, to the west of Håkås. A privat graveyard chapel built in 1818 by Peter Chr. Bech (1756-1818) for his own use. His horse and dog are buried outside, and he wrote the plaque’s text himself. The ground was consecrated as a public cemetery as early as 1816.


Sætra Iceland ponies (islandshestgård), Solberg Farm, Busterud Farm.


Hæra water course is well suited. Smalelva from Mønster Bru is exciting. Nature based purification plant Norway’s largest plant for natural purification (west of Skjønhaug). Beautifully laid out within a network of walks. Partly accessible for handicapped.


Strønes Edelløvskogsreservat. Deciduous forest. The county´s largest continuous areas of elm and lime, and hoary alder and ash forests. Rich bird and wildlife. Kallakmosen naturreservat is an area of extensive marsh with a typical bird life. Hæra naturreservat is an area of wetlands with small lakes along the river Hæra. Rich bird life, important for migrating birds, including cranes, swans, and geese. Good view of Kallaksjøen along the county road from Sentvedt.


Good possibilities for cycling trips over the whole district. For example: From Skjønhaug. Follow the county road from Mølla, northward to Sluppen, Ringstad and Heiås. Southwards on the national road rv 22, pedestrian/cycling path part of the way. Take off towards Raknerud, follow the sign to Løken. The last stretch along RV 22 to Skjønhaug approximately 16 km.


The whole district is full of fine walks. A walking map can be obtained at the library and the office for cultural activities. Geirmundstien, Parking at Stiklatjern. Sign-posted paths from Ungdomsskolen (the junior secondary school). A good walk from Mørkfoss to Askim.


Both Øyeren and Hemnessjøen are well suited for fishing. You can also find smaller lakes, whitch has good possibilities for catching fish. Øyeren has 25 types of fish, the largest number of any lake in Norway. No permit. Hemnessjøen. Pike, perch and others. Permit can be bought at Havnås Handel. Covers whole of Halden watercourse.
Østbygda (eastern district):
Gyltatjern. Fishing pier for handicapped. Perch, pike, roach, bream. No permit. Grefslisjøen. Pike, perch, and others. No permit. Kroktjern, Nestjerna, Haugetjern, Lierdamtjern. Trout, perch, and others. Permit at Havnås Handel (shop).

Stiklatjern, Måstadtjern and all other small lakes in Viktjernsåsen. Trout, perch and others.

There are two areas in Trøgstad where fishing permissions are necessary: North (Viktjernåsen and Stikla): You can buy permission at Shell servicesenter in Båstad. Further information: Stein Amund Fåråsengen phone 69828419 / 91735221

South-west (Oppskott): Fishing permisson at Havnås handel. Further information: Lars Erik Langsæther, phone 69827809 / 92016955.