Wells Somerset, United Kingdom

Wells Somerset, one of England’s smallest cities- a delight to explore.

Dominating the skyline is the Cathedral one of the best surviving examples of medieval English Gothic style. The imposing West Front, built in the early 13th century. Did you know that over 300 of the original 500 medieval figures survive to this day? Though a church was founded on the site in 705, the buildings you see today were begun in around 1180.

Well Cathedral – When you are inside, look down the Nave, see the carvings of animals and birds at the tops of the columns. Notice the scissor arches constructed to help take the additional weight when the tower was heightened. Admire the superb fan vaulted ceilings of both the Nave and Chapter House. Climb the steps to the octagonal Chapter House- notice how worn they are? The stained glass of the Chapter House is some of the best preserved medieval glass in the country. Wander the cloisters and the Quadrangle. A working medieval clock.

Wells Bishops Palace. Visit the Bishop’s Palace fortified in the 14th century during power struggles between the Bishop of Bath and the city, with high walls and a moat- the only access through the gatehouse. Today altogether a more peaceful place, still the residence of the Bishop of Bath and Wells With mute swans gliding in the moat and maybe in summer a game of croquet taking place on the lawn. Explore the 14 acres of delightful gardens, the ruins of the Great Hall and Bishop’s Private Chapel.

Visit Wells Somerset. In the centre of the city Market Place, notice the water running in the rills alongside both pavements. The water comes from the natural springs. Bishop’s Eye a stone gatehouse to the Bishops’ Palace, and in the left hand corner the 15th century Penniless Porch, once providing shelter to homeless beggars. Wander the cobbled street that is Vicars’ Close a row of 40 houses built in the 14th century- some say the best preserved medieval street in England. Enjoy a meal in the Crown at Wells a 15th century Grade II listed building or White Hart Hotel A 15th Century Coaching Inn.