Nore and Uvda Norway

Numedal, with its highest villages of Nore and Uvdal municipal, is a shortcut between east and west over to Geilo. When it comes to scenery, few people are as lucky as the inhabitants of this area, who have mountains and plateau as their next door neighbours. Thanks to careful management, the scenery in this area is some of Norway´s most well-protected. If you want to go hiking in the mountains, you can choose between Blefjell, Veggelifjell and the Hardangervidda plateau. Nore and Uvdal muncipality has approximately 2.600 inhabitants and covers a area of 2.501,5 km2 in Buskerud.

And if the weather puts indoor activities on the agenda, we recommend the climbing wall at Numedalshallen. There is also excellent fishing and hunting in the area.

The people of Numedal are very involved in the preservation of their history. This area is home to the largest collection of medieval buildings in Norway, including 4 magnificent stave churches dating from the 12th century. The “silver road” from Kongsherg runs through Uvdal. Train enthusiasts will love the Numedalsbanen railway to Rødberg, which is open for charters and tourists. There is a wide range of overnight accommodation, including high mountain hotels, mountain lodges, farms and camping.


Tunhovd is a hamlet at the top of the Nore and Uvdal municipality. The hamlet has from time immemorial been built with mountain farms, and lies on the road between Rukkedalen and Skurdalen. Tunhovdfjorden belong to Numedalslågen river and take in the water from Skurdalen further up.


Langedrag lies like a fairy-tale castle in beautiful surroundings, with magnificient views of the lakes and mountains between Hallingdal and Numedal. On the farm, both young and old can wander around and experience the pleasures of petting our numerous domestic animals. Whilst in the nature park, you can encounter rare, wild animals such as wolves, lynx, and polarfox. Norwegian wild animals live and graze in close proximity to the farm.

With great respect for the natural selection throughout millions of years, Langedrag has attempted to preserve the most primitive breeds of each species. There are 26 species on the farm, with a total of approximately 350 individuals, which include wolves, lynx, reindeer, artic fox, horses, goats, Telemark cattle, Highland cattle, Yak, Mouflon sheep, fowl, duck, geese, and rabbits. If you would like to come “face-to-face” with a bear, you should visit the bear park in Flå!


The river Numedalslågen is Norway’s second longest river. From the western part of Hardangervidda – the highest mountain plateau in Europe – the river runs through the Numedalen valley to the town of Larvik. The lower part of the valley is called Lågendalen. In the upper regions there are a number of hydroelectric power plants. Downstream from Hvittingfoss, however, the river runs wild, constantly changing from quiet parts to rapids and waterfalls, through the natural and cultural landscape. This is the salmon-bearing stretch of the river.


This church was likely built in the last part of the 1100´s. The center mast is the key to the whole system of timbering. The Nore stave church, and the neighboring Uvdal stave church, were converted into cruciform churches in the 1720´s.


This church is dated to the later part of the 1100´s. It was rebuilt to a cruciform church in 1723. Uvdal stave church has a tall, sturdy upright or mast in the middle which supports the ridge turret and strengthens the walls. Two pieces of wood with runic inscriptions have been found underneath the floor. Upon one of these is written: “Eirik, write runes for me”.

The Stave Churches are constructions of high quality, richly decorated with carvings. In virtually all of them the door frames are decorated from top to bottom with carvings. This tradition of rich ornamentation appears to go back to the animal carvings of the Viking age. The dragons are lovingly executed and transformed into long-limbed creatures of fantasy, here and there entwined with tendrils of vine, with winding stems and serrated leaves. The elaborate designs are executed with supreme artistic skill. The stave church doorways are, therefore, among the most distinctive works of art to be found in Norway. However, it is difficult to connect them with the Christian gospel.


Canoes, boats, bikes, horses and Handcar can also be hired here. Dagali river rafting, Mountain farm, 2 Stave churches and local museum, EKT Langedrag wildlife park.


Uvdal ski resort is beautifully situated at the foot av Hardangervidda, the mountain range in the middle of southern Norway. It’s only a 3 hour drive from Oslo and the cities in Vestfold, and 40 minutes from Geilo. The area is great for experiencing the mountains in winter and in summer, and perfect for skiers and hikers alike. Uvdal has 4 ski lifts, 10 runs and a drop of more than 600 metres. The cross-country tracks start right by the chair-lift, and are connected to the network of trails criss-crossing the whole of the Hardangervidda mountain range.


Numedalslågen is known for being a good location for salmon fishing. Among the other fish species of Numedalslågen are trout, eel, and pike.


Golfclubs in Buskerud.