Hole Norway

Hole municipality has approximately 6.500 inhabitants and covers a area of 197,6 km2 in Buskerud. Hole municipality covers the southernmost part of Ringerike, to the east and north of the Tyrifjord. Hole enjoys picturesque and varied scenery, rich in cultural monuments and with a landscape just waiting to be explored. You can go swimming, fishing and boating on the majestic Steinfjord.

In front the Steinsfjord, then the historic landscape where the old royal estates were located. We see the medieval churches Norderhov and Bønsnes, in which location the Norwegian saint King Olav was raised.


Visit the famous King’s and the Queen’s Vantage Point on the top of Krokkleiva. Words cannot describe the views you get, and both viewpoints have become quite famous.


Tyrifjorden (Lake Tyri) is Norway´s fifth largest lake with an area of 137 km2. It is 295 meters deep at its deepest, and lies 63 meters above sea level. The lake´s primary source is the Begna river, which discharges into Tyrifjorden at Hønefoss where the river forms the Hønefossen waterfall. Its primary outlet is at Geithus near the lake´s southwest corner, where Tyrifjorden discharges into the Drammenselva river.


Utøya is an island in Tyrifjorden. The island is 10.6 hectares and situated 500 metres off the shore, where road E16 passes by, 38 km (24 miles) driving distance north-west of Oslo city centre.

Utøya is owned by the political youth party Workers´ Youth League (Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking), which holds a summer camp there. The island was given as a commemorative gift during August 1950 by Oslo og Omegn faglige samorganisasjonen (Oslo Trade Union Confederation), a cooperative body for the main professional organizations. Utøya can also be hired as a camp site and for events.


Hole is ideal for both day trips, round trips or longer holidays – full of unforgettable experiences. Join us on the King Halvdan Svarte procession, The kings and rulers from Hole were once of great importance to Norwegian history. Even Harald Hårfagre, famous for uniting Norway as one nation, has his roots in Hole. He came from the Stein estate, and you can join us on an excursion to this estate to witness the burial of his father, Halvdan Svarte.

On 9, 10 or 11 June, we set up an historical play which takes you back in time to the 9th century, and portrays the life and death of King Halvdan Svarte, remaining true to the popular legend. The play gives great insight into pagan and Norse beliefs and superstitions, as it takes you on a procession over the royal estate and has its finale in a majestic burial ceremony which will send shivers down your spine.


The majestic Steinsfjord is particularly well known for its rich crayfish.


Golfclubs in Buskerud.