Travel to Belarus and Russia and will not be endorsed or promoted by this website.
Belarus formed together with Russia and Ukraine the Soviet Union republics. Belarus declared independence on September 19, 1991. The capital of Belarus is Minsk. In Minsk, the KGB building can be visited.
Belarus has no access to sea and borders on Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Latvia. The country has swamps and for 8% hilly: Belaruskya Grada (“Belarusian Rug”). The highest point is the summit of the hill Dzjarzhinskaja with 346 meters. Belarus has big rivers as the Dnepr, Dvina and Pripyat.
The crime and terrorist threat in Belarus are low. It can however happen that peaceful demonstrations will be ended hard-handed by the order services and the participants are taken into custody. It is advised to avoid this type of demonstrations. We advise you not to take any photographs of military – or other government buildings.
To be able travel in Belarus (or: by travelling Belarus to a another country) you must be in the possession of a passport with a valid (transit-)visum. Drivers of motorcycles who travel to Belarus, must take into account complicated, bureaucratic customs authorities – and immigration formalities which can extent the waiting time to the border incur considerably. You must examine if your green card is valid for Belarus. Driving under the influence of alcohol has been prohibited and is punished heavily. In the period of 1 November up to 1 April dimmed light by cars during the day is obliged.
There is little crime in Belarus, however you have to be aware of the risk of pick pockets and robbery in cars and hotel chambers.