Aure Norway

Aure merged with Tustna in 2006 and the new municipality is called Aure. The new bridge over Imarsundet connects the two parts. Aure municipality in Norway has approximately 3.530 inhabitants and covers a area of 644,2 km2 and lies in Møre & Romsdal. Aure is a typical coastal municipality with many beautiful small islands. Most people live near the shore. Open sea, picturesque islands, skerries and beautiful fjord-branches offer excellent opportunities for fishing from boat and land. Attractive forest and mountain areas present wide-ranging possibilities for hiking, both summer and winter.

Aure has a variety of animal life, with many species of interest for hunters. For example, we have one of Norway’s largest populations of deer. Aure is an exciting coastal community with recent industrial development and a modern, comprehensive Service Centre, thriving alongside a rich, rural culture steeped in tradition.

In summer, diverse activities are organized for the benefit of both inhabitants and visitors in the many hamlets of the community. The hosts on guest farm and camping sites, in fishermen’s shacks, cabins and vacation houses wish all who will feel happy in a clean and beautiful coastal environment.

Cultural life in Nordmøre is characterized by considerable diversity. Many local institutions and events present productions on a national scale and standing. Culture and cultural activities are vibrantly alive in Nordmøre. Coastal culture, historical plays, an established Opera, folklore, small and big museums and theme collections. Orchestras such as brass bands, choirs, ballet companies, folk dance and jazz.


The coastal express boats between Trondheim and Kristiansund stops at Kjørsvikbugen. Important port for the shipping of timber exports to the Netherlands and Germany in the 17th century. A very beautiful viewpoint on the road that crosses the border between the counties of Sør Trøndelag and Møre & Romsdal. Views of the Årvågsfjord to the west and, on clear days, all the way to Kristiansund. Large picnic area.


Rich finds from 10,000-year-old settlements (the Fosna culture). Toll road to Litlfonna and a path to Fonna. Viewpoint with views of six municipalities.


One of the biggest industrial plants in Møre og Romsdal. Gas from the Norwegian Sea is processed to produce methanol, liquefied natural gas (LNG) and bioprotein products. There is a signposted road to a viewpoint near the plant.


A large rock cave. There is a marked path from Finnset to the cave and to the remains of a German battery from World War II.


One of Northern Europe’s wildest saltwater maelstroms. When the effect of the high and low tides is at its greatest, the maelstrom is a fantastic sight. Good spots for fishing from the shore.


Dating from 1924. It is one of the largest wooden churches in Møre og Romsdal. The triptych is dated 1460. There has been a church here since 900 AD (Håkon the Good). A beautiful parsonage dating from 1826 beside the church.


A battle site where Harald Fairhair fought two battles before he managed to defeat the minor kings of Møre and succeeded in incorporating Møre og Romsdal into the kingdom which he united, and which was given the name Norway.


Fine collections of fishing gear and objects highlighting the coastal culture and the Geitbåt (goat boat) – the easy-to-row utility boat and sailing boat that is the pride of the Nordmøre coast.


Tjeldbergodden industrial complex a StatoilHydro-operated facility was officially inaugurated as the first large-scale application of natural gas for industrial production in Norway. The methanol plant is one of the world’s largest. Using gas from StatoilHydro’s Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea as feedstock, methanol production capacity is 830,000 tonnes per year.

Plans for Tjeldbergodden also include production of acetic acid, small-scale industry based on gas and the construction of a gas-fired power station. Heated coolant water from the existing plants is being used for fish farming. Advanced environmental technology still not found in other methanol plants has been adopted at Tjeldbergodden. The complex also embraces a small gas liquefaction plant which cools the gas to 163 degrees C.


The Tjeldbergodden plant is one of the world’s most energy-efficient methanol producers, which means that its carbon dioxide emissions per tonne produced are low. Carbon emissions total some 330,000 tonnes per year. The amount of nitrogen oxides released is just under 400 tonnes per year.

The gas treatment plant at Kollsnes forms part of the Troll Gas development. Lean gas from this facility is piped to continental Europe through four trunkline systems: Statpipe/Norpipe, Zeepipe, Europipe I and Franpipe. These exports go to France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, the Czech Republic, Austria and Spain.

The Kollsnes plant dries and compresses the gas for pipeline export to continental Europe. Natural gas liquids and condensate (light oil) are piped to StatoilHydro’s nearby Mongstad refinery complex through the Vestprosess system. Deliveries of gas by pipeline are also being made from the plant to the local Kollsnes Business Park, with Naturgass Vest as the buyer.

The Naturkraft company part-owned by StatoilHydro has plans to build a gas-fired power station at the Kollsnes plant. It is awaiting a go-ahead from its owners for this project and for a similar facility at the Kårstø gas treatment plant.


Norferm, a company owned by StatoilHydro, has built a bioprotein plant at Tjeldbergodden. Its initial application is as an additive for animal and fish feeds, but it can also be used for human consumption in certain products, such as taste additives. And bioprotein offers a raw material for a number of industrial processes.

StatoilHydro has its largest activities in Norway. The company’s head office is in Stavanger, with corporate functions located in both Stavanger and Oslo. Furthermore, StatoilHydro has activities in a number of locations in Norway. We are the largest operator on the Norwegian continental shelf, and a license holder in numerous oil and gas fields.

Our onshore facilities in Norway are active within such areas as gas treatment, crude oil reception, refinement and methanol production. StatoilHydro also has the technical responsibility for the world’s most extensive subsea pipeline system for the transport of gas.

StatoilHydro has over 500 service stations in Norway and additionally sells heating products, electricity, propane and lubrication products.


Great hunting for red deer in the large forest and mountain areas. Excellent fishing for freshwater trout and sea trout. The scenery on Tustna is dominated by the coastal mountains. These over 900-metre-tall mountains, which rise straight up from the shore, form a chain in a north-south direction. Great walking, with several paths ascending to the summits, which offer fantastic views of the ocean and the fjords. Some of Norway´s best-known mountain areas are to be found within the boundaries of Nordmøre. The Tourist Association has arranged for marked paths and routes for bikers and operates many available cottages and cabins. Several places, roads accommodating cars go far into the mountains, thus making access possible for euerybody. Innerdalen, Grødalen, Todalen and Rindal are the opening portals to the mountain world of Nordmøre.


Aure’s coastline is almost 300 kilometres long. Unique possibilities for angling from the shore and from the many bridges and sounds. Fishing from boats for herring, mackerel, saithe, cod and pollock.

Nordmøre may have Norway’s best and most varied opportunities for anglers. You will find a sea rich in species and the supply is abundant; a coastline with shielded areas ideally suited for small boats; fjords with saltwater fish as well as freshwater fish on its way to or from the spawning sites up the rivers; some of Norway´s best rivers for angling for salmon or trout; ten thousand freshwater lakes, all clean and stocked with fish. The lakes are located from out on the islands to up in the mountains, as high as 1.500 – 2000 metres above sea level.