Romanian language

Romanian is a Romance language, fifth in terms of number of speakers. It’s the native language of 26000000 people and it’s the official language in Romania, Moldova and Vojvodina (Serbian region).

Speakers of other Romance languages, especially Italian speakers, should have an easier time accustoming themselves with Romanian compared to the rest.

Here’s a quick dictionary we though you might find useful during your trip(s) to Romania:

  • English Word | Romanian Word
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, A hundred, A thousand | Unu, Doi, Trei, Patru, Cinci, Sase, Sapte, Opt, Noua, Zece, O suta, O mie
  • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday | Luni, Marti, Miercuri, Joi, Vineri, Sambata, Duminica
  • Where’s the embassy? | Unde este ambasada?
  • How much does it cost? | Cat costa?
  • Where is hotel X? | Unde este hotelul X?
  • How can I get to the train station? | Cum pot ajunge la gara?
  • What bus do I have to take to get to X? | Ce autobuz trebuie sa iau ca sa ajung la X?
  • Where can I find an ATM? | Unde pot gasi un bancomat?
  • Train station | Gara
  • Airport | Aeroport
  • Bus station | Statie de autobuz
  • Tram | Tramvai
  • Thank you! | Multumesc
  • Hi, Hello | Buna (or Salut)
  • Good morning | Buna dimineata
  • Good afternoon | Buna ziua
  • Good evening | Buna seara
  • Good night | Noapte buna
  • Goodbye | La revedere
  • How are you? | Cum te simti?
  • What are you doing? | Ce faci?
  • How? | Cum?
  • When? | Cand?
  • What? | Ce?
  • Who? | Cine?
  • What’s your name? | Cum te cheama?
  • How old are you? | Cati ani ai?
  • Excuse me! | Scuzati-ma!

If you want to translate a piece of Romanian into English or vice-versa online, then you’re out of luck as there aren’t any quality tools for this (such as Babelfish for other languages). You’d be better off if you request the services of a specialized company or make some Romanian friends for the moment.